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Heyyo! Thank you to everyone from the Interactive Story Club for helping to put together another amazing chapter. Make sure to vote in this week's poll and don’t forget to comment if you have any additional ideas! I hope you enjoy!



“Ahhh! Fuck!” muttered Meg, removing her hand from the magma-hot pipe that she accidentally placed her hand on while maneuvering through the ship’s engine. Looking around the area, she failed to find anything that distinguished it from the room she’d come from, or the room before that for that matter. Much like she had anticipated, traversing the winding corridors and crawl spaces that made up the engine room was akin to wandering through a hedge maze on a foggy night.

Upon entering yet another room filled with squeaky cog wheels and rusty pipes, Meg sighed dejected as she spotted her only path forward, which was a small service shaft that led through the engine’s core. Based on reputation alone, she knew she was in for a steamy time. She unzipped her off her astronaut onesie and quickly tied the two sleeves around her waist, cooling her down tremendously before she stepped into the hottest room on the ship.

If Meg wasn’t sweating before, she certainly was now. Her poor diaper moistened itself with sweat, swelling slightly and sticking to her skin in a very uncomfortable way. “If I make it out of this…I’m never wearing a stupid diaper ever again…” she mumbled to herself, cursing the undeniable squish that impacted her thighs with every move she made. At least she knew once she got to the head of the engine room that Mason and Roland would likely have some changing supplies around, though that was far from a motivational thought.

Thankfully, the engine’s core only took about thirty seconds to pass through, though by the time Meg reached the other side, her undershirt tank top was completely drenched, as were the pants of her onesie and, of course, her diaper. Part of her considered removing her onesie entirely with how sweltering it was, but the idea of running into someone else on the ship while wearing only a shirt and diaper kept her from removing her soaked garments entirely.


Suddenly, a loud, metallic rattling noise echoed into Meg’s ears. She glanced around her immediate area, hoping to find a weapon of some kind to protect herself. As her luck would have it, the space she was in was completely barren, leaving her completely vulnerable to whoever or whatever was down here with her. With nothing else but sheer determination at her side, she raised her fists in preparation for a showdown.

“Ugh! Stupid…SHIT…”

However, Meg’s fisticuffs soon fell to her sides as she heard the welcome sound of a familiar voice. “E-Ellis!” she shouted, disregarding the possibility that the creature might hear her in favor of pinpointing her captain's location.

“Meg! Is that you?!” yelled back Ellis, his voice loud enough this time to give Meg a precise direction.

Hurrying through another dank corridor, Meg was practically tearing up as she finally caught sight of Ellis. Sadly, she and him were separated by a row of narrow pipes, blocking off their official reunion. The two crewmates grasped each other's hands, laughing in relief that the other was alright while simultaneously tearing up. It was a bittersweet reunion.

“H-How did you escape?! Last I saw, Donnie had you cornered,” said Meg, leaning into Ellis’s hand as she hugged it close. This, unfortunately, caused her to inadvertently sniff her captain’s arm, “Ugh, dude! Why do you smell like shit?!”

Snickering at Meg’s overreaction, Ellis gave a cheerful response, “Well, you know the garbage chute in the commissary? Yeah…I’ll just let you use your imagination.” He meekly rubbed the back of his neck, knowing that as funny as his escape was, it was also baked with a thin layer of cowardice, “What about the others?”
Hanging her head, Meg wasn’t sure she had the heart to tell him. Only three people had been on this ship longer than her: Ellis, Donnie, and Roland. And of those three, two of them had fallen into the clutches of a gooey diaper monster. Still, she knew if Ellis was going to find out anyway, it may as well be from her. “It got Roland, too. And I got separated from Luna and Mason so I don’t know,” she said, wrestling against the moisture that was building in the corners of her eyes, “I’m so sorry, captain.”

Nodding his head with a vacant expression, Ellis let out a shaky breath. “So…it might just be us left then,” he said solemnly, being careful to uphold his usual, calm demeanor, “L-Let’s get our heads back in this thing. I’m working on the makings of a plan. It’s not much but it might help weaken our adversary ever so slightly. But first, I need to get you over here. Don’t worry, I’ll guide you through. We’re going to be okay.”

Giving Ellis’s hand one final squeeze, Meg used her other hand to salute her captain. Things were looking bleak but with Ellis at her side, they had a fighting chance, “Tell me what to do.”




John Riendeau

Time for the beginning of the end. Who knows whose plan will work