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DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, humiliation, domination, masturbation/diaper sex, hypewetting, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!

Commissioned By: BlossomBitchDolly


“No…Nonono! This isn’t happening!” screamed Edan, who was awestruck by the large, white behemoth resting between his thighs. These were not the boxers he’d fallen asleep in last night. How did he end up diapered? Moreover, WHY did he end up diapered?! Did someone sneak into his house? A million questions circulated in his head, none of which had clear answers.

The one thing Edan knew for certain, though, was that he didn’t want to be diapered for a second longer. He moved to unstick one of the tapes, deciding that his next step once freed from his padded confines would be to take a long and thorough shower. However, much to his confusion, the tapes felt like they’d been glued on with Edan failing to get a fingernail under any of the four tapes.

Frustrated, Edan climbed out of bed and moved to yank the diaper off his body by force. After all, it was just a diaper. A bit of tugging should be enough to pry it off without removing the tapes. Sadly, after a few feeble attempts to slide the diaper around his hips and buttocks, the diaper had barely moved an inch in any direction. “UGH! C’mon, please!” he grunted before throwing his hands up and huffing an aggressive breath through his nose. Whoever had diapered him had made sure that he would not be removing the padding on his own.

Looking around his room again, Edan meekly cried out, “O-Okay! Funny joke! Christina? Royce? Whichever of you fucks did this better come up right now and get this off me!” Expecting to see one of his buddies burst out of his closet or through his bedroom door, he sat down on the side of the bed and waited. But as time slowly ticked by, so too did his patience, “Alright, fuck you! I’m done with this shit!”

Storming out of his bedroom with his enraged fists balled, Edan stomped his way into the kitchen and instantly moved to retrieve the kitchen sheers from his knife block. He then sat down on the tile floor with his legs spread wide and began hacking away at his nappy’s waistband. Or at least he would have had the scissors managed to slice through even one millimeter of the plastic-coated diaper. For some reason, his incredibly sharp kitchen shears were nowhere near strong enough to cut into his new, bulky undies.

Furious didn’t even begin to describe how Edan was feeling as he gave up on piercing the waistband and started jabbing at the base of his diaper, hoping to poke a hole large enough to rip the diaper open with his fingers. Much like with the rest of the diaper, this failed to do anything more than make him feel foolish. In a moment of rage, he chucked the scissors across the room, creating a small hole in his drywall.

Glancing around his room anxious and helpless, Edan couldn’t feel more utterly defeated by his humiliating predicament. He sunk down and placed his head in his hands, doing everything in his power to keep from bursting into tears. He refused to let himself cry, though, stabbing his canine teeth into his tongue to prevent the waterworks from kicking on.

Once he had his emotions under control, Edan let out a painfully long sigh, clearing out both his lungs and his head. The last thing he needed to do right now was panic. Unfortunately, it wasn’t like he had much to be cheerful or calm about, with his only solace being that it was a Sunday and he didn’t have to worry about confronting his boss in diapers. Fixing a hand on his chin, he contemplated how he could’ve possibly ended up in a diaper in the first place. It wasn’t like this was something he’d voluntarily wear. Only a total weirdo would…do that…

Recalling his bizarre interaction from the night before, it suddenly dawned on Edan that the reason for his padded state may be supernatural, as crazy as that might sound. A new kind of fear rose inside his chest as he stared at his padded confines. That woman being a ghost would certainly explain the disappearing act she pulled last night. But he didn’t actually believe in ghosts…did he? “Um…shit, what was her name?” he scoffed at himself, realizing he’d never asked the strange woman what her name was, “...let’s see, uh…magic ghost-spirit, I-I would like to humbly apologize if I insulted you last night! If this is all to teach me some big lesson, well, consider the lesson well learned! Haha!”

Edan’s forced laughter only made it more apparent how ridiculous he felt. Being trapped in a ghostly diaper? There was no way that could happen. And yet, he failed to come up with any alternate explanation. He needed to find a way to confirm or disprove that something paranormal was at play here.


“Please return all archive materials to the desk when you're finished,” said the elderly librarian as she placed a set of documents on one of the many empty tables for Edan to browse through. It had taken him all morning to track down anything he could about that house and its owner online, only to be met with dead end after dead end. It wasn’t until he stumbled upon an online record of his local library that he discovered a promising lead.

Sitting down at the table, Edan started sifting through the various public records and newspaper clippings associated with that cursed house as he struggled to keep his paranoia at bay. He frequently found himself checking over and tugging on his baggy outfit to ensure that his hoodie and sweatpants kept his diaper well hidden. All the while, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched, adding to the anxiety he felt over his attire. Misery didn’t even begin to describe Edan’s mental state. Pushing those vicious thoughts to the far recesses of his mind, he buried his nose into his research on the house’s mysterious owner.

Madam Petunia Wick. That was the name that was listed on the final deed of ownership, which was signed almost 60 years ago. While living, she was well-known throughout the town to be a very perverse woman with an insatiable sexual appetite. She housed a number of kinky guests and would frequently throw lavish parties, much to the rest of town’s dismay if the numerous hit pieces written about her were to be believed. It also happened to be the exact person that Edan had run into the night before, at least if her photo was anything to go off of. Only, that shouldn’t have been possible considering she had died nearly four decades prior, fueling his conspiracy that the being he’d met last night was no longer of this world. Shaking off the eerie feeling that came with such dreadful knowledge, he continued reading.

Surprisingly, despite the house remaining unowned since Madam Wick’s passing, there was a whole mess of stories written in the local paper that were all dated around the turn of the century. According to an article written in October of 2002, a young man named Thomas Landing ran screaming into the police station declaring that a spirit had placed a chastity cage on him. He was sent to a mental asylum after he became irate and refused to let up on his outrageous story. It’s said the chastity cage was never removed as there was no key and no way to cut it off without risk to his genitalia. Specifically, Landing named the same mansion that Edan had stumbled across as the location of his ghostly assault, though no evidence was ever discovered. If even an inkling of this man’s crazy story were true, then it was likely whatever ghost placed a chastity cage on him was the exact same one who had magically diapered him overnight.


Scrunching his legs closer together, Edan had been fighting off the urge to piss for several hours now. However, over the past ten or so minutes, his need to relieve himself had become far more pressing, making it virtually impossible for him to focus. Resting his head on the pages of archive materials, he knew continuing to ignore his aching bladder was an effort in futility. He closed his eyes and wrangled in his breathing as he slowly began to push.

Much to Edan’s astonishment, it was far harder to willingly use a diaper even with how badly he needed to go. He applied as much internal pressure as he could but barely managed to dribble out a few drops. As if the act of wearing a diaper wasn’t bad enough without his body fighting him at every turn. Blushing slightly, he pulled out his phone and quickly looked up, “How to pee in a diaper when your body won’t let you.” Thankfully, several results popped up, with the most doable advice being to stand up and pretend he was in front of a toilet.

A very remorseful Edan scooted away from the table and slowly got to his feet, finding himself once again scanning the area to make absolutely certain that no one was nearby. Other than the librarian, who was stationed at the front checkout desk, the coast was clear. Not that he was exactly thrilled about that. Groaning dejectedly, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to envision the apartment bathroom. All he had to do was let go…let go…let go…


After a few pained attempts, Edan relaxed into his urination as he finally managed to muscle through his years of potty training to relieve himself. The warmth that grew in the front of his diaper caused him to stop momentarily a few times, unable to fully believe what he was doing. He was also a tad shocked by the sheer amount of pee that was coming out of him. It felt like he’d been pissing for a full two minutes before the flow finally slowed to stop. A beleaguered sigh escaped his lips now that the strain on his bladder had washed away. Sadly, his relief wasn’t meant to last.


Immediately after his wetting came to an end, Edan was sent crashing to his knees as the supernatural diaper started to vibrate without warning. “Stopstopstop!” he said frantically, struggling to keep his voice to a whisper as a horrifying, yet undeniably pleasure overtook his diaper area. It was as if the padding were alive and reacting to its own newfound sogginess. He had no choice but to moosh his hands into the base of his diaper in an attempt to stem his diaper’s horny advances, but all that did was amplify the sensations that were leveling his body and his resistance.

As much as Edan didn’t want to admit it, the euphoric touch of his diaper had him desperate to cum. Deciding to hell with it after enduring nearly a minute of non-stop buzzing, he began to rock his hips back and forth while perched atop his nappy, kneading his cock into the mushy, pliable diaper fluffy. Tragically, right as he was getting into a good rhythm and could feel his pending orgasm rise, the vibrations halted. Not wanting to give up on the much-needed climax, he grinded against his pulpy diaper a few more times but ultimately fell short of getting over the final hump. Frustrated and disgusted with himself, he let his arms fall to the wayside and leaned back against one of the table legs. Misery was no longer the word that was most closely associated with Edan’s mental state. Not when “pathetic” was so much more apt.

Stumbling on shaky legs, Edan collected his materials and returned them to the front desk before beelining straight to the exit. He’d learned everything he could from what the library had to offer. Sticking around now would no doubt only lead to further embarrassment. The best thing he could do now was barricade himself and his blue balls inside his house and wait for this whole mess to blow over, though he had to confess that he was using the word “best” rather liberally.