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"A-Are you sure this is ready for human trials?" stuttered Rocky as she stood perched on a small target positioned in the direct path of an adorable-looking shrink ray, "And I'm gonna get turned back to normal, right?"

Shrugging off Rocky's concerns, Mark continued to prep the machine as it warmed up to full power. "Of course, it's ready. I'm almost insulted to hear you say that. It's been properly tested on objects and animals with a 99.99% success rate, so it's practically full-proof," he said, leaning into his "mad-scientist" persona a little too much for Rocky's liking.

"If you say so, though I'm not sure if I want to hear about what happened .01% of the time," scoffed Rocky, trying to make light of the harrowing situation she found herself in. Could anyone really blame her, though? She was about to become the first human being ever to experience shrinking. It was a daunting task. Heck, even Tina was taking this one seriously as she waited silently behind the viewing barrier for the show to begin.

With the machine giving Mark the green light, he readied his aim, centering the reticle on Rocky with a genius-fueled smirk. "Ready to become Pebble-sized, Rocky?" he said, leaning over the shrink ray and blowing Rocky a kiss.

In response, Rocky stuck her tongue out at Mark before giving him the most confident thumbs-up she could muster. Watching as the front of the shrink ray started to glow bright green, she closed her eyes and braced herself for impact.


Expecting a heavy shock, Rocky was pleasantly surprised when the only thing to cue her to the fact that she was shrinking was the shifting of her ever-loosening clothing. She opened her eyes, gasping as she saw the ground inching closer at a slow but steady pace. "Oh, my Goddess! It's actually working! Eeeeep!" she shouted, her excitement quickly replaced by the panic of having her clothes slide off her body. She clutched her top tightly, though it acted much more like a blanket at this point, swallowing more and more of her body until she disappeared beneath the cotton fabric.

By the time Rocky's shrinking came to a halt, she was only a few inches tall at most. It took her several seconds for her head to pop up from the small pile her shirt and diaper had created. Emerging from the scattered cloth, it was beyond surreal to see Mark and Tina staring down at her with bemused expressions.

"I believe our first test was a success," said Mark, giving Rocky a light poke with his pointer finger and snickering to himself, "Tina, would you be so kind as to mark down her new height? I want to make sure she's exactly 10% of her original size."

"On it, boss," said Tina, who was more than happy to get a closer look at Rocky's new size as she pulled out a Sharpie and captured her colleague's current stature. All the while, she couldn't help but feel a tad jealous as she fantasized over all the fun she could have if she were fun-sized too.

Bending down overtop his blushy girlfriend, Mark reached into his lap coat pocket and pulled out a miniature version of a CrissBaby Super Soaker Deluxe, which he took the liberty of shrinking in preparation for this moment. "I do hope it's the right size for you, my tiny baby girl."

Pushing out her bottom lip, Rocky looked up at the diaper in Mark's hand, feeling the burn of humiliation in her cheeks. "You have more for me to wear than just a diaper, right?"

Artwork By CodiBaby 💜
