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Months had passed since the last window Yatari had to escape from diapers slammed shut in her face thanks to an unfortunate run-in with a mimic. Since then, she began looking into alternative methods to remove the amulet's curse that had claimed her continence, eventually happening upon information about a temple hidden in a place known by locals as the Jungle of Regression. The name did not inspire confidence, nor did the fact that the temple was said to be surrounded by several trials that would test both an adventurer's bravery and maturity. While the last thing her maturity needed at this point was any more tests, what other choice was she left with?

And so Yatari found herself traipsing through a thick, humid jungle. She reached down and adjusted her diaper, cringing as the damp, sweaty garment shifted against her crotch. As someone used to far more temperate climates, the oppressive warmth that wafted across the jungle floor was not her ideal place for a hike. Neither was the terrain, which was far too mucky to provide her armored boots with stable footing. 

Slashing through a set of vines, Yatari came across a small clearing tucked away amongst the trees. She smiled, hoping that she was finally on the right path. Unfortunately, her eyes were on the clearing ahead and not the spot where she was stepping, which just so happened to be a pool of bubbling quicksand.

Yatari quickly sank until her knees were barely visible over the sloshy mud. She instantly moved to pull her feet out but any amount of movement only pulled her in more. Between the grip that the quicksand at on her legs and the rate at which she was sinking, it appeared Yatari was fated to meet a swift end.


Groaning in a mix of disgust and annoyance, Yatari knew that ominous sound all too well. It was the sound of her tummy getting ready to dump a fat load into her pampers. As the base of her diaper touched down against the soupy sludge, she braced herself for impact.


Much to Yatari's dismay, her diaper rapidly became as muddy on the inside as it was on the outside; a final indignity before she was claimed by the Earth. However, much to her surprise, as her diaper expanded, her feet began to rise up, uncovering her upper thighs from the mud in the blink of an eye. Confused by the gravity-defying sensation, a horrid realization suddenly dawned on her. She clenched her gut and forced herself to push again, letting out a hardy *SPLOOOOOOOOOORCH!!!* as another tidal wave of mush was packed into her diaper.

Once again, Yatari found that the ground was spitting her back out, pushing her up until only her ankles were still buried. It appeared she'd stumbled upon the first of what was to be many trials of her bravery and maturity. She sighed, knowing she was gonna be doing a lot more messing between now and the end of her journey.

Artwork By CodiBaby 💜
