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Heyyo everyone! Thank you for helping to make this series such a treat to write! We'll be off next week as I set up the next interactive series. After the story, make sure to check out the ISC Weekly Poll to vote on which story you want me to write next! I hope you enjoy!


“Open wide, my new pets. I’ve got another BIG bite for you,” said the Queen of Farts, holding a large bite of fluffy white cake on the edge of a plastic fork. Its destination: Crissie’s wide open mouth. Though, it wasn’t open because she was voluntarily being fed by the Queen. Instead, it was merely that there was so much cake stuffed inside her mouth that she could no longer close it. “Come now. There’s no need to be fussy. Remember, if you’re a good girl, you get to ride the Jabberwocky.” She gestured toward the ribbed saddle toy in the back corner of her secret dungeon with a large dildo attached to it.

Crissie shook her head no as she tried to seal her overstuffed gob around the half-chewed piece of moist cake, unable to do so before the Queen was smearing the sweetest frosting she’d ever tasted all over her plump lips. Though, for as harrowing as this all seemed, she was incapable of removing the dopey smile that had been permanently fixed on her face thanks to being forced to ingest copious amounts of the Queen’s silly powder, which had been lovingly baked into the scrumptious confections.


“Gah! P-Pwease, no…hehehe-Nuh! No mo!” shouted Codi, who was having a much easier time muscling through the cake. Unfortunately, this didn’t help when it came to dealing with the cake’s side effects, which were causing her brain to feel light and fuzzy. The pleasant sensation made her feel so silly and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t force herself to hate it.

Rushing over to ensure not a moment passed without the pair of traitorous fiends getting their just desserts, the Knave was more than happy to provide an assist for his Queen. “How many cakes is that now, my Queen?” he asked, snickering as he scraped the remnants of frosting and cake bits before adding them to Codi’s mouthful.


Unsurprisingly, Crissie and Codi’s mouths weren’t the only things that were full. Resting beneath each of their bums were two utterly destroyed diapers, both of which had surpassed the radius of a yoga ball and were still growing.


Moaning from behind her cake gag, Crissie's body let out another massive wave of mush, her eyes growing wide with an intoxicating mixture of fear, awe, and pleasure as her pampers expanded, rapidly consuming more and more of her thighs with every push. Looking toward Codi with an abundance of hopelessness, it appeared that the two of them were now fated to spend a lifetime as the Red Queen’s diaper-loving human trophies.

“Another dozen cakes, Mr. Hare! These babies still have plenty of room,” said the Queen to the March Hare, who had been forced into the position of baker thanks to his prowess with pastries. She was going to have a blast making these two mess themselves silly over and over again for her distinguished guests, “And while you’re at it, bring me two shrinking potions as well. I’ll want to store these two with my doll collection after we’re done playin-”


Suddenly, a hand that was near twice the size of the Red Queen came bursting through the wall before wrapping her fingers around the snooty monarch. “AHHHHHHHH! G-GUARDS! DO SOMETHING!” she shrieked, frantically kicking her legs to no avail as she was yanked through the hole.

“My Queen!” screamed the Knave, rushing over to look through the giant hole before sprinting out of the dungeon with several guards in tow, “Don’t just stand there! All of you, get out there and rescue your Queen!”

Left alone in the dungeon, Crissie and Codi realized if they were going to escape, this would be their only chance. Sadly, the weight of their diapers along with the tightly-latched high chairs seemed like an impossible feat. They wouldn’t get long to ponder a getaway plan though, as another hand was shoved into the castle, this time honing in on Crissie and Codi’s location. Snatching the girls up in one fell swoop, they both screamed as they were dragged outside.

“There you two are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

Crissie’s wriggling came to an abrupt halt as a familiar voice worked its way into her ears. “M-Masta,” she stuttered through distended cheeks.

Sure enough, as the hand was raised up over the Red Queen’s castle, both Crissie and Codi were greeted by the giant eyes of Master, who had eaten a large quantity of growth cake to ensure her rescue plan went off without a hitch. “Hello, girls. You two look like you had a lot of fun playing,” she said as she wiggled her pinky across the pair of bloated diapers her girls had on, “However, I believe it is time for us to head home for the evening.”

“MMMMMMUUUUH! UNHAND ME THIS INSTANT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO HANDLE THE QUEEN IN SUCH A MANNER!” shouted the Queen of Hearts, slamming her fists against Master’s tree trunk-sized index finger.

Condescendingly tsking the rotten royal, Master knew she couldn’t let such a brash tantrum go unpunished. “I think you could use a timeout,” she said, carefully perching the Queen on the highest point of her castle with the back of her diaper hooked around the tallest tower’s tip so as to ensure a painful wedgie until someone managed to retrieve her.

Snuggling up against each other in a dazed state, both Crissie and Codi giggled in unison as they rested in the center of Master’s soft palm. “C-Can I stiww wide da piwate ship one mo time befo we go,” asked Codi, barely making it through her question before another fit of laughter came on.

“Of course, you can, my dear,” said Master, petting Crissie and Codi’s heads with her giant pointer finger, “In fact, you two can ride it as many times as you’d like, now and forever.”

Nuzzling herself into a cozy position in Master’s hand, Crissie allowed herself to relax for the first time since she’d fallen into this crazy place. And for as exciting of an adventure as it was, she was happy that her time in Diaperland was finally over.