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DISCLAIMER: This series contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation, hypermessing, sissification, WAM, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. If you haven’t read the first chapter and want to catch up, be sure to check out the link in the description. I hope you enjoy!



“Welp, here goes nothing,” said Mia as she shook the lone, six-sided die in her hand. Given the misfortune that had already befallen the first two players to roll, she was less than excited to throw herself into whatever challenge or punishment was waiting for her. Counting the spaces ahead of her, the last thing she wanted was to land on a red square like Lelaya did, so avoiding a three and a four was paramount.

Not wanting to make everyone wait for her too long, Mia launched her dice block forward and watched as the dotted cube skittered across the colorful game board until coming to a sudden stop. The audience cheered and the Wetters celebrated a small victory as they spotted six dots pointing toward the ceiling. The only ones not celebrating Mia’s good fortune were the three Messers standing by and, shockingly, Mia, whose heart rate nearly doubled after her dice stopped on a dime in the most unnatural of ways. While no one else was close enough to notice, she certainly had, witnessing with her own two eyes as the die practically locked into place on the number six.

Picking the die off the ground, Mia slyly held it next to the metal bracelet she had on, her anxiety reaching new heights as the bracelet was instantly attracted to the die. After accepting production’s unfair aid in Round Two, she was relieved that they asked her to cheat again going into Round Three. Sadly, as the dice’s magnetism was manually shut off by someone backstage, she came to the haunting realization that it would be much easier to rig the game for her if she wasn’t involved.

“A six! That’s one heck of a roll there Mia! With that, you and your team are the first to step foot in the Potty Monster’s territory, The Soiled Swamp!” said CassiRole, keeping her audience up to date as Mia and her team passed by the Wetters as they moved six spaces ahead, landing on a bright blue square in front of a cartoonish muck monster climbing out of a gross-looking toilet, “Congrats Mia! You landed on a blue square! That means you're the first player who gets to take on a Play-It or Pass-It Challenge!”

Escorting Mia to the side of the board so that the audience had a full view of both of them, Cassi continued to lay out the difficult decision that Mia was going to have to make, “Here’s what’s going to happen. You, Mia, will be presented with a challenge. From there, you’ll have to make a choice: either play in the challenge to earn your team some points or pass your challenge onto an opponent, where they’ll have to win or risk losing points!” The audience ooo’ed, leaning forward in their seat in anticipation of what the challenge would be, as well as Mia’s subsequent decision.

Looking toward the big screen as the wheel of options spun rapidly, Mia was still fighting through the guilt of having production do everything in their power to meddle for her benefit. As the animated wheel came to a stop, the familiar bold text popped up to display the name of the challenge.

Water Weight.

“Oooh! This is one of my personal favorites! Mia, the challenge you have in front of you is simple. Either you or an opponent of your choice will be placed in a CrissBaby Grow-With-Me Diaper before taking on 10 gallons of ice-cold water! The diaper must be worn at all times and cannot touch the ground until your next turn, regardless of if they have to face their own challenge or punishment,” said Cassi as a large tub with a stand-up shower head was rolled onto the studio set by an Iris bot, “So Mia, are you going to Play-It or Pass-It? Keep in mind, this challenge is worth plus 10 to you and minus 10 to your opponents.”

Glancing over at the Messers, Mia had hoped that whatever challenge popped up would help her decide if she should do it herself or risk pissing her rivals off by hoisting the soaking diaper onto one of them. As much as she didn’t want to lug 10 gallons of water around with her, after figuring out that production was tampering with the game for her sake, she understood that this was her cross to bear.

“Pick Rupert!”

However, before Mia could vocalize her decision, her attention was pulled back toward her own team’s mat, where Ayaya was cupping her hands around her mouth and shouting with no remorse, “He’s weakened already! There’s no way he can hold up that much weight!” Unlike Mia, she wasn’t at all worried about if the enemy team might dislike her for making a very calculated decision. Instead, she was more worried about her own teammate making the stupid decision to shoulder the grueling task. Just one look at Mia’s shaky expression told her all she needed to know, so it was the most she could do to try and convince her teammate to take the easy path.

Unfortunately, as much as Mia didn’t want to piss off any of her own teammates, she couldn’t in good conscience make Rupert or anyone else do her challenge for her. At least, not after learning about the magnetized dice. If she was going to win, she wanted to earn it. “Sowwy, Ayaya, but we gonna wans as many poins as we can gets,” she said, putting on a hammy baby voice as she excused her emotional decision as a tactical one, “I’ww weaw da diapee.”

“Very bold, Mia! I suppose we shouldn’t expect anything less from the Baby New Year herself! Iris, please get this little bab ready for her bath,” said Cassi, snapping her fingers as the Iris Nanny sprung to life, picking up Mia with ease and wheeling her over to the changing station that had previously been used after Round Two.

Sighing with relief, Kyoko was 100 percent positive that if Mia had forced Rupert into such a physical challenge, there was no way they weren’t going to forfeit ten points. Her calculating eyes traversed the sound stage, landing squarely on Ayaya as she scowled. “What a total bitch, am I right?” she said, folding her arms as she stared down the popular streamer, “From now on, make sure we focus all effort on Ayaya. Anything we can throw at the enemy team should be used on her.”

“I’m sorry, Kyoko but I don’t think that’s wise,” said Cade, unable to make eye contact with his dear leader as he stood in opposition to her, “Ayaya’s a problem, yes, but did you see the way she messed that diaper? She may look like she thinks she's too good for diapers but she’s clearly got hidden skills. I think we should aim for the girl who only scored single digits in messing for Round Two. What’s her name? Mia?”

Shaking his head, Rupert responded, “No, you’re thinking of Misa. Mia’s the Baby New Year.” He pointed toward Mia getting changed by the Iris bot, offering some aid to Cade’s confusion.

“Oh, for fuck sake. Why must their team have both a Mia and a Misa?! I already have a tough time remembering names as is!” scoffed Cade, pushing the blame for his ignorance onto Mia and Misa’s parents for not consulting each other before naming their daughters, “Whatever, you get my point. If they want to target our weakest link, we need to hit them back in the same place.”

At first, Kyoko had incredibly low expectations for Cade’s rebuttal. However, she couldn’t deny that he had an excellent point. Now wasn’t the time to get vindictive, regardless of how much Kyoko’s competitive nature hated to let any sort of slight go unchecked. Simmering down, she responded, “Fair point. Honestly, Cade, you’re really impressing me today.”

“Aw, shucks!” said Cade, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. As the group’s residents screw up, it was nice to earn a bit of praise for once.

Patting Cade on the back, Rupert was happy to see his slacker friend stepping up to the plate. Normally, he had to fight tooth and nail against the pull to the lazy side that Cade frequented, failing more often than he’d like to admit. “Maybe we should keep you off weed for another few days,” he said, ribbing Cade in exactly the right spot to earn a reaction.

“Hey, now! Let’s not start talking crazy,” said Cade, who was far too much of a pothead to quick cold turkey.

“Okay, Mia! Time to rub-a-dub-dub!” said Cassi, reclaiming the chatty Messers’ attention as Iris lowered a freshly-padded Mia into the tub set. The top-of-the-line caregiver robot made double sure her ward was on stable footing before unhooking the shower head and easing it down the back of her diaper until it was nuzzled up next to her well-powder kitten.

Wincing as the cold metal rested against her warm thighs, Mia’s eyes locked themselves onto the rim of the bathtub, unable to gaze up at the overly amused audience members who were laughing at her expense. “L-Let’s just get this over with,” she said, her face flushing brightly.

“Hehehe! As you wish! Hit it boys!” said Cassi, deciding to forgo another wordy speech in favor of garnering the instant satisfaction of catching Mia unprepared.

Off-stage, Keelee hit her cue perfectly, activating the water pump that was hidden under the bathtub pop-up set. The hose connected to the shower head vibrated for a few seconds before a rush of frigid liquid came gushing down the tube.



Mia gasped and shrieked as the icy water coated her loins. Her knees rattled, struggling to keep herself from collapsing into the tub. The only reason she refused to let her legs give out on her was out of fear that it would somehow ruin the shot, requiring her to do this stunt all over again. Or worse, they could count it as the diaper touching the ground, wiping out any points she stood to gain from this challenge. Peering down at her diaper, her eyes widened as she watched the surprisingly thin diaper begin to expand rapidly in all directions. Shuffling to the head of the bathtub, she gripped the shower head stand, clinging to it for dear life as the weight of her growing diaper threatened to drag her down.

Watching from the sidelines, Kyoko’s eyes wandered between Mia’s current predicament, Lelaya’s straightjacket, and Zeke’s agonizing challenge. The latter of which was on the verge of bursting a blood vessel in his eye as he fought to keep his awkward posture in check. With the range of difficulty being as vast as it was, she was anxious to get on with the competition, well aware that she was up next.

Wetters: 156.1 (+/-10) points
Messers: 151.7 (+/-25) points




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