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Codi's Diary: Entry 068

I think I've finally hit the point where I can't even get mad at the dumb crap Crissie does on a daily basis. Perhaps it's because she's been pretty tame over the last month or perhaps I'm just numb to it now but whenever she does something stupid, I'm finding it much easier to roll my eyes and move past it without losing my temper.

Case and point, today is Valentine's Day, and I had a feeling that I couldn't expect Crissie to be normal on a major holiday. It wasn't even noon before she was fashioning wings to her back and running around shouting, "I'm Baby Cupid!" Personally, I blame Miss Snorington for letting her eat an entire basket of candy.

However, while I would normally chastise Crissie for being so loud during my drawing time, for some reason, I found that her antics didn't bother me in the slightest. Not even when Snorington had her turning the nursery upside down looking for candy hearts did she manage to get me worked up.

After nearly a year of living with the world's most aggravating adult toddler, I think I've become a much more patient person. Maybe I'm turning over a new leaf on how I manage my anger. A new and improved Codi, so to speak. I can only hope this new development helps Crissie and me get along better. We can certainly go at it at times but she isn't the worst roommate once you get to know herRRAHHHGHG

...Crissie has just shot me with a toy bow and arrow...

Please disregard this diary entry. I'm going to strangle her.

P.S. Happy fricking Valentine's Day or whatever.

Artwork by CodiBaby 💕
