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DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, sissification, humiliation, forced drug use, domination, masturbation/diaper sex, hyperwetting, anal play, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!

Commissioned By: BlossomBitchDolly


This feeling of being filled and stretched to your fullest potential was something unlike anything Edan had ever experienced. Since the only thing that had ever gone in and out of his butt was poop, he had little to compare the feeling to. It was like if he squeezed his colon too much, the thing would just pop right back out, even if he knew that probably wasn’t true thanks to the diaper holding it firmly inside.

The toy inside of Edan wasn’t just big, though, it was also lumpy. Scores of bumps and wavy lines ensured that not a second passed without the butt plug sliding against his prostate in new and outrageously arousing ways. He could feel his cock throbbing against the front of his diaper in response, begging to be released from its fluffy, squishy prison. And with each throb came a ping of both pleasure and pain that shot through his shaft and through his pelvis before spreading across his entire body. Never had he felt pleasure this intense while doing nothing more than lying down.

Edan was so focused on the way his butthole felt that he’d almost completely forgotten about the supernaturally large flesh pillows that his face was sinking into. Every rattle and moan that he made reverberated throughout Aubrey’s tits, allowing her to feel closer than ever to her new baby. “Aww, look at that. I think she likes it,” she said, gently petting Edan’s hair with one hand while supporting his neck with the other, “Are you ready for your reward, my baby?”

“Wuh…ward?” muttered Edan, his words barely audible. His brain was so scrambled by the anal toy that he’d completely blanked on what he’d earned. Rotating his head upwards, he stared up at Aubrey, finding himself getting lost in her kind, adoring eyes. It made him feel loved in a way he’d never felt loved before. Moreover, it made him feel so humiliatingly small as though she could squash him like a bug if she chose to. But he knew she wouldn’t do that. Deep down in his heart, even though he felt incredibly teensy tiny, he felt safe and comforted in her embrace.

“Alright, girly, open wide?” said Aubrey, lifting up her breast and angling the nipple so that it was presented to Edan’s mouth. Without even the slightest hesitation, Edan leaned up and latched onto her teet, causing her to let out a soft moan as his tongue encircled her aching nipples.

For Edan, this was a magical experience. Her breast was smooshed up against his nose and mouth in such a way that it was almost suffocating. Not that he cared. So long as he got to sink his face into her smooth, pillowy flesh, he was willing to asphyxiate himself.

Luckily for Edan, Aubrey was more than observant enough to catch his lack of air intake. She quickly shifted position so that her weighty watermelons weren’t completely crushing his face, allowing him to continue suckling on her in a safer way. Still, while the feeling of being sucked on was glorious, she could feel the copious amounts of creamy milk that were begging to be ejected into Edan’s mouth.

Unbeknownst to even Malorie and Rita, Aubrey had been pumping milk from her tits for well over a year now as a way of enlarging her boobs while also encouraging them to increase lactation. Tacking on the CrissBaby Mother’s Milk tablets that she was ingesting daily and her boobs were as futile and full of milk as a real mother. Sadly, that didn’t exactly mean that her nipples were always ready to cooperate. A pressure mounted from Edan’s endless suckling, she was forced to grit her teeth in hopes that sweet relief would come soon for both of them.


Aubrey let out an almost animalistic howl as milk burst free from her boobs and quickly overflowed Edan’s mouth. Streaks of white cream dribbled down his cheeks and chin as he gobbled down as much as he could. Gripping the back of his head, Aubrey pressed Edan’s face into her boob with a wealth of strength, increasing the level of milk that was streaming from her nipples two-fold.

Meanwhile, stationed down by Edan’s diaper, Malorie and Rita could only watch in a mix of fascination and deep-seated jealousy as their boss was given the honor of feeding Edan first. “I need to start pumping after this,” said Rita, struggling to pick her jaw off the floor. Malorie could only nod silently in agreement as her lower lips moistened in response to the spectacle she was observing.

With the remote for Edan’s buttplug in hand, Aubrey leaned in and planted a kiss on his forehead, saying, “Mommy made so much milk for you. Now it’s time for you to make milkies for her.” And with that sentiment, she pressed the ON button, kickstarting the vibrator contained within Edan’s plug.

“MmmmmMMMMM!!!!” moaned Edan, he cries getting louder the second his device was flipped on. In an instant, his attention was yanked south toward his booty toy, relishing in the unreal pleasure it filled him with. The walls of his anus shook and tightened in ways Edan never even thought possible. It was so powerful that he nearly climaxed on impact. However, he couldn’t focus on the plug for too long as his mouth was stretched to capacity within seconds of not swallowing. It was a vicious cycle of nursing and pleasurable sensations that slowly melted his brain, slowly turning him into a thoughtless baby whose only purpose was to feed and cum.

Not wanting to be left out of all the fun, Malorie and Rita descended upon Edan’s diaper, resuming kissing and rubbing it as his throbbing member went wild in response. “How many times do you think he’ll make sissy cummies? Five? Ten?” joked Malorie as she rubbed her dark red lips all over the diaper-covered tip of Edan’s dick.

While Malorie focused on Edan’s diaper front, Rita decided to get a bit more playful with his rear. Sticking her hand under his skirt, she pressed hard against the lumpy end of his buttplug that was bulging out of his tight sphincter.

“MMMMUUHHHHHH!!!” screamed Edan, the suction he had on Aubrey’s boobs broke away, sending streams of milk flying everywhere as his entire body went limp. With all the strength in his body zapped away, there was nothing he could do as Aubrey pulled his head back in between her soft, engorging bosom. Within seconds, he flew far beyond the peak of the mountain and was sent hurtling back to Earth in the climax to end all climaxes. Without warning, he unloaded what felt like a gallon of semen into his diaper, giving the front of his diaper a healthy coating of slippery seed.

However, Edan was in for the shock of his life as he felt a second orgasm mounting before the first one had even finished. His mouth went wide as if he were going to scream out in unyielding pleasure. Surprisingly, though, no sound came out. He was so far gone down the rabbit hole of sexual bliss that his body lacked the will to make any noise come out of his mouth beyond his heavy pants for air.

As Edan’s hips trashed up and down and side to side, Malorie and Rita were forced to hold on for dear life as if they were riding a bucking bronco. Wet splotches of jizz were now visible from the outside of his diaper as his semen soaked into the thirsty padding.

For Edan, this was the first time in his life that he’d ever experienced a double orgasm. His already limp body went into atrophy as his body began to calm down. During his second orgasm, Aubrey must’ve taken pity on him because the toy in his butt was no longer buzzing. Nuzzling himself against Aurbery’s warm chest, a weak smile crossed his face as he drifted off into a deep slumber.


“Edan? Eeeeedan?”

As his mind returned to reality, Edan’s heavy eyes flickered open, greeted by Malorie’s heavily made-up face. “Rise and shine, sleepy head. It’s quitting time,” she said, snickering as she playfully ruffled his hair, “Did you really sleep away the whole day?”

Sitting up slowly, Edan's groggy memory slowly resurfaced as he recalled the events of what happened in Aubrey’s office. His cheeks turned bright red as he averted his eyes from Malorie, feeling ashamed that he’d allowed himself to be so easily subdued by three of his female coworkers. Or at least… that's what he thought?

Looking down at himself, Edan was struck by the fact that not only was he wearing the same outfit he’d worn when he came to work this morning, but the diaper he had on was also the same, right down to the clear, cummy splotches that adorned its front half. Carefully, he wiggled his pelvis, feeling the smaller buttplug he’d been wearing for almost a week shifting inside of him. Had the whole thing really been one enormous wet dream?!

“I…I guess I did sleep through the day,” Edan mumbled, his brain finding it much easier to rationalize what happened if the whole thing was just an elaborate sex dream. After all, there was no way that the woman in front of him could act this casual if they’d actually done anything. That didn’t make it any easier to look her in the eye, though, as naughty thoughts of what he imagined her doing to him dominated his view of her.

Placing her hands on Edan’s shoulders in a gesture of comfort, Malorie shook her head solemnly. “Dang, and I thought I had sleep issues,” she said before reaching into her purse and pulling out an unlabeled CD, “Here, the girl who works in the cubicle next to me, Lana, gave me this. She said it’s supposed to lull you to sleep. I’ve never had any luck with stuff like this but maybe you will.” She placed the disk on Edan’s desk, giving him no room to refuse.

“Oh…um…thank you, actually. That’s really nice,” said Edan, his quivering hand grabbing the disk from his desk and tucking it away inside his briefcase, “I’ll be sure to let you know if it works.”

Tapping Edan twice on the top of the head, Malorie giggled like a schoolgirl who was talking to her high school crush, attempting to lull Edan into a state of ego-driven complicity. “Happy to hear it,” she said as she placed both hands on the side of Edan’s chair and spun him around, “Now, c’mon. No one wants to stay late on a Monday. Let’s walk down to the parking lot together.”

Taken aback by his sudden popularity, Edan graciously accepted Malorie’s offer as he followed her through the maze of cubicles toward the elevator.

Standing in the doorway of her office watching Edan and Malorie leave, Aubrey took a sip from her fourth mug of coffee that day, feeling like a queen in her domain. “See? I told you he’d fall for it?” she said, nudging Rita with her elbow.

“Color me shocked,” responded Rita, who could only shake her head at how naive Edan truly was, “Look, I’ll admit you were right but this was still a very risky idea. What would’ve happened if he didn’t buy into the gaslighting schtick?”

Slurping down another sip of her hot, caffeinated beverage, Aubrey shrugged indifferently to Rita’s question. “So what? We’ve got him trapped under our thumbs. It’s probable that he wouldn’t have been able to stop what we’re planning even if he knew the truth,” she said, her eyes locked onto Edan as he boarded the elevator giggling alongside Malorie, “Besides, now that he’s gonna start listening to that CD every night, it won’t be long before he’s nothing more than a drooling, docile baby girl.”




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