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DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, body transformation, babyfication, humiliation, domination, masturbation/diaper sex, hypermessing, anal play, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!

Co-Written By: LittlePissy


“And done! You’re all good to run off and play,” cooed Karley as she pressed the last tape down on Morgan’s fresh swim diaper. After starting off with some soft finger banging, the rest of the diaper change had gone off surprisingly well, which she assumed had to be because Morgan was smart enough not to cause a scene in such a vulnerable position. She didn’t know how long it would take for the itching powder that was mixed in with the talcum to start affecting Baby Morgan, but it was sure to be quite the show. Helping Morgan to her feet, she led her over to where Sawyer, Alyssa, and the boys were currently playing a drinking game.

As she waddled across the beach, Morgan couldn’t stop peeking down at her bulky padding, still trying to come down from how horny Karley had made her. On one hand, the swim diaper was nowhere near as thick as the regular diaper she’d shown up in and it was definitely less noisy. On the other hand, it was also bright pink and patterned with adorable underwater critters, which made sure it announced its visual presence from a much farther distance. She could hear the murmuring and suppressed chuckles of nearby beachgoers as the area they were in grew more and more packed. It was almost like this spot was chosen specifically to be in the middle of the busiest area.

“Alright, never have I ever…” An already tipsy Alyssa trailed off as she tried to think of something that would be sure to catch the boys, who were kicking ass at this game. She was already down to three fingers while Tommy and her boyfriend, Todd, still had all five fingers. Even Sawyer was beating her in the early game. “...changed a diaper!” As the only one left to not change Morgan and the only one without any younger siblings, she had a feeling that she could catch at least one or two of the boys while also bringing Sawyer down to her level.

Sure enough, Sawyer, along with Gale and Karley’s boy toy, Brenden, and Todd all put a finger down and tipped back their respective cans of alcohol in defeat. “Gosh, you’re such a bitch, Alyssa,” joked Sawyer, who was noticeably less drunk than Alyssa, “Just for that, you’re changing Margey’s next diaper.”

“Speaking of Marge, look who’s here?” said Alyssa, emphasizing “Marge” to such a degree that anyone sober could’ve easily caught it wasn’t actually Morgan’s name. Thankfully, the boys had been pregaming hard before they showed up and had only drank more since arriving, guaranteeing their suspicions would be at an all-time low.

Knowing this, Sawyer's evil smirk perked up, excited to see that she was back on the clock in terms of tormenting Morgan. Reaching into the diaper bag at her side, she pulled out a bottle of lukewarm milk and passed it over to Karley, who still had a grip on Morgan’s hand. “Here, this way the diaper bab can still play along. Grab a beer and join in, Karley,” she said, before turning her attention to the rest of the group. It was her turn to force a decision, “Never have I ever…cheated on someone.”

A chorus of oooh's sounded off as both Alyssa and Todd put their fingers down while looking at each other. “You bitches are just jealous that our bond was strong enough to survive a one-night stand” blurted out Alyssa as she clung to her bae’s shirt collar.

“Or two,” interjected Todd before smashing his lips into Alyssa’s.

Shaking her head with an utter lack of surprise, Sawyer said what everyone else was thinking, “Ugh, get a fucking room.” She then turned her attention to Morgan with a knowing smile, “Oh Margey, I think that’s a finger down for you as well.”

“I-I’m not playing,” said Morgan, scooting back from the circle while refusing to look up from the sand. She knew, well and good, that Sawyer’s prompt was aimed at her, and that if she continued to play, she’d make sure to humiliate her at every turn. The best course of action was not to play and deal with whatever punishment they were already going to force upon her anyway.

Making a mocking pouty face, Sawyer got up from her spot in the rotation and made her way over to Morgan. “Aww, too nervous to play with the big kids? That’s okay,” she said, grabbing the mysterious beach bag that she had acquired when Morgan wasn’t looking and plopping down next to the infantilized college girl, “Well, if you want to stare at the sand all day, you might as well be productive.”

Sawyer then proceeded to dump the contents of the beach bag out in front of Morgan, revealing them to be a wide variety of plastic sandcastle molds and tools. She was already regretting not just lowering her finger and sipping from the milk bottle.

“If you can build a three-tiered sandcastle before you use your diaper, then you can go out with us big girls to the club tonight,” stated Sawyer, whispering into Morgan’s ear to make sure that the boys couldn’t overhear, “But if you can’t then you prove your too much of a baby for even an easy task like that, and we’ll have to hire you out a babysitter for tonight. Have fun playing, Margey.” She patted the back of Morgan’s diaper before standing up and returning to her beach blanket.

As the rest of the gang carried on with their party game, Morgan stared at the building materials, her mind wrecked with indecisiveness. Under no circumstances did she want to be left in the care of some random babysitter while her friends went out and had fun without her. However, Sawyer didn’t mention she’d get to go out tonight without diapers, not that she could given her present situation. Deciding the enemy you know is better than the enemy you don't, she grabbed one of the molds and began to fill it with sand. She used to build sandcastles as a kid all the time, so a three-layer structure should be a cakewalk.


Unfortunately, as Morgan placed the mold in the sand to make the first structure, she felt an awful rumbling in her stomach that announced its presence with a terrible gurgling noise. The oatmeal she had been force-fed this morning appeared to finally have snaked its way through her intestines and was now nearing its exit at a troubling pace. Sitting in her gut like a two-ton weight, she clenched her tummy with her hand and flexed whatever butt muscles she had left. Thankfully, the initial wave of cramps didn’t last long. Though, she knew this was only the calm before the storm.

If only that was the only issue. Poor Morgan also couldn’t help but notice an odd tickle surrounding her crotch and butt that no amount of scratching or repositioning could get rid of. Believing she must’ve gotten a diaper rash from spending all night in a messy diaper, she did her best to block the itch out of her mind.

With her hands trembling slightly, Morgan lifted the plastic mold up, only to watch her sandcastle crumble right before her eyes due to her straining. She chucked the mold off to the side, eliciting a few odd looks from the peanut gallery made up of her former friends and boyfriend. She knew that so long as her bowels were aching that she’d never be able to complete the sandcastle. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she needed to use her diaper if she was going to finish her childish task.

Looking around at the group, Morgan noticed herself fade into the background as Sawyer and the others laughed and drank merrily. Slowly, she propped herself up on her knees and leaned forward slightly as she pretended to sort through the other beach toys. Keeping an eye raised to make sure her efforts went undetected, she slowly started to push. That pushing was quickly halted when she felt her bowels growing irritated. Clearly, pooping a diaper wasn’t as easy as it seemed. Sure, she’d messed a diaper before but those were all accidents.

Lacking the mental fortitude required to intentionally use her pampers, Morgan bit down on her cheek as the aching in her core intensified. If she didn’t at least get something out in a discreet manner, then a massive explosion would certainly take place. Steeling her mind, she pretended to reach for the rectangular mold, which was the farthest one away from her, forcing her to bend forward as far as she could stretch. She closed her eyes, escaping to the happy place in her mind as she added pressure onto her bowels once more.


Small bursts of silent flatulence came bursting out, causing Morgan to walk back how much she was pushing every time. While it did provide some momentary relief, each fart never earned her more than a second or two before the pressure returned even stronger. Making it even harder to hold was that same, familiar itch that only seemed to get stronger with time. Gritting her teeth, she knew it was now or never. If she stayed in this position for much longer, it would definitely raise a few eyebrows. With one last, big push, she kicked off a chain reaction in her bowels.


Splashing waves and the numerous voices from across the beach were enough of an auditory cover to let Morgan’s semi-soft poo ooze into her diaper without alerting the others to her shameful act. The mush quickly filled up any available space, causing the rear of her diaper to bulge outward in all directions. It wasn’t pleasant, but it beat losing complete control again. She sighed, satisfied to have subsided the pain in her tummy.

Then came the hard part. Turning around to assess the damage, Morgan knew that now that her dirty deed was over, she needed to settle back into her seat and start building again. Sitting back, she winced and held back a few sorrowful whimpers as she rested her butt atop the mountain of sludge she had produced. The brown muck quickly spread through her padding ever further, pushing its way into her diaper front with ease. Unlike her other messy experiences, this wasn’t food, nor was she drunk enough to forget what a genuine dirty diaper felt like. Worst of all, though, was the strange tingling she felt pulsing in her kitty as her vagina was coated in her own sewage. Oddly enough, the itchiness she was suffering through seemed to dissipate a little with the added mess which was the opposite of what she expected.

Attempting to block the bizarre arousal from her mind, Morgan picked up a round castle mold and a shovel and got back to work, unaware that all of her previous actions had been closely monitored.

Keeping Morgan in her peripheral vision, Sawyer had managed to hold a straight face as she witnessed the queen bee, herself, messing her swim diaper by choice. Standing up, she walked over to Todd, and then to Brendon, whispering her devious plan in each of their ears. Both were far gone enough that they would agree to just about anything at this point if they thought it would get them laid. She then sat back down and waited for the inevitable.

*sniff sniff!*

“Yo, what smells like shit?” said Alyssa, drunkenly waving her hand in front of her nose. Morgan immediately tensed up, having not taken the smell into account. Since she was in a swim diaper, there was a lot less odor protection than with a normal nappy. And thus, the scent traveled with the wind, which caused it to spread throughout their beach area. There was little she could do as all eyes suddenly turned to her.

Rushing over to Morgan, Sawyer proudly stood behind Morgan as the diaper-clad girl refused to turn around and look at her, too mortified by her actions to handle direct eye contact. “Uh oh, did you already have an accident? We literally just changed you!” she blurted out as loudly as she could, “Ugh! You reek! We’ve definitely gotta do something about this stinky little girl.”


Flashing her trademark sadistic smile, Sawyer grabbed onto the back of Morgan’s swim diaper and pulled it open, allowing for the smell to show off its full strength. She was undeterred by the aroma, though, as she proceeded to kick a giant clump of sand into the open pamper. “There we go, now you’ve got your own personal litter box,” she said as she leaned down and wrapped Morgan up in a hug.

With no time to react, Morgan could do nothing but undergo Sawyer’s latest torture scheme and hope that it ended with a corny litter box joke. The sand erased any comfort from the tickling that the squishy poop had given her, returning the itch to its full strength. “Why am I so itchy!?” she finally screamed, prompting Sawyer to snicker.

“Awww…did that itching powder that Karley added to your diaper finally kick in?” cooed Sawyer, enjoying the cold betrayal that filled Morgan’s eyes as she turned to look at the one person she trusted not to mess with her. Karley sunk down, the guilt of taking advantage of a diaper change eating away at her.

Now stuck in a very uncomfortable and grainy diaper with her very itchy pelvic region, Morgan honestly missed the plushy squish of the ridiculously swollen diaper that she’d been changed out of. At least she wasn’t as uncomfortable then as she was now.  A thought that she would soon come to regret.

Waving over Todd and Brenden, Sawyer took a step back and let the boys take over from here. “Hmmm…you’re still pretty smelly. Let’s get you moved somewhere else that you can stop killing the vibe,” she asserted as she snapped her fingers, “Oh, boys, would you be so kind as to take out the trash?”

Against Morgan’s will, the over-intoxicated duo of Todd and Brenden proceeded to pick her up by her arms and legs and carry her across the beach. “H-Hey! What the fuck?! Put me down!” she yelled, her screams falling on deaf ears as she was ferried toward her previous diaper, which looked more like an overfilled trash bag than a diaper at this point. Swinging her body back and forth, the boys tossed her onto the pile of mushy pulp, causing everyone to burst out laughing as she sank into the padding.

Morgan had landed perfectly in the center of the diaper, her butt sinking into the inflated pamper. She tried to escape as quickly as she could, but the padding was so squishy that any move she made was quickly countered. Flailing her arms and legs helplessly, she called out for help, finding that neither her friends nor the other onlookers wanted to get anywhere near her and the glorious diaper mess she found herself in.

After a few minutes of floundering atop the bloated padding, Morgan gave up on escaping. With how small and weak her body was, she had no chance of getting up on her own. With a beat red face, a messy, sandy pamper, and an impossibly itchy coochie, she rested her weight against her distended diaper and watched the tide splash against the beach, wondering how much more humiliation she’d be forced to endure.




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