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DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, crossdressing, inappropriate language, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!



Such a simple word felt like it weighed a million tons as it parted from Skye’s lips. Even though part of her still had reservations, mainly the idea of getting caught, she couldn’t deny how insanely horny she was. Besides, while she wouldn’t admit it to herself, it definitely added a dash of spice to the whole scenario.

“Wow, you are so easy,” said Ellie, snickering behind a smug expression, causing Skye to blush even harder. She’d hung around Skye and the Padded Palace long enough for her to know how to read her like an open book. Clearing her throat, she casually flipped the switch in her mind, “Weww den, if dats whad chus wans, who is I to say no?”

Placing her palm on the crotch of Skye’s diaper, Ellie proceeded to roll her hand back and forth across the warm, squishy surface. “Hehehe, good ting chus a heavy wetter!” teased the malicious Little as she rested her diapered butt back on Skye’s legs, limiting her mobility.

Skye, meanwhile, was currently clawing at Ellie’s pillow as she writhed helplessly underneath her. Having her diaper mooshed against her was nothing particularly new. Latasha and him had gotten her off in a similar fashion many times before. However, she had to admit that there was something extra naughty about the idea of letting a more dominant Little have their way with her. She uncontrollably bucked her hips up against Ellie’s hand, wanting to heat things up even faster.

“Uh oh, I tinks chus likin dis too much,” giggled Ellie as she leaned forward and sat all of her weight down on Skye’s hips, making it much harder to hump for the desperate Little, “If chus gonna be impatient den chus won ged ta meet my speciaw fwiend!”

Breathing deeply, Skye heeded Ellie’s warning and calmed down her gyrating hips. It certainly wasn’t easy and it took a considerable amount of willpower, but she had to know what Ellie was getting on about. “S-Speciaw fwen?” she stuttered as her eyes rolled back.

“Hehehe, yup!” said Ellie as she reached under the pile of stuffed animals that were nestled in the corner of the crib. When she pulled her hand back out, she was holding a large, white rod with a rubber head. Her eyes lit up, knowing exactly what this “special friend” was capable of.

Ellie cheekily pushed the head of the Magic Wand vibrator against Skye’s diaper. She didn’t turn it on yet, though, allowing Skye to squirm with anticipation. “If you want me to turn this on, you’re gonna have to wet a little more,” she said, feeling her own diaper growing wet with her sex juices.

Skye’s face flushed at the idea of wetting her diaper while Ellie was getting her off. It was so naughty and sexy. So, of course, she eagerly squinted her eyes shut and began to push. After years of incontinence caused by constant diaper-wearing, it had been a while since she’d needed to force herself to pee. It took her almost a minute to get anything going, and even then, it was only just a tingle.

“Hmmm…I don tink dats quite wet enuff,” teased Ellie as she removed the sex toy and placed it back with her plushies. She dawned an evil grin as she watched Skye lose her mind over being deprived of the sweet release she was craving. She’d definitely need to have fun with her before letting such an innocent Little cum.

Sliding off of Skye and standing up, Ellie walked over to her desk and grabbed the two wireless egg vibrators that she’d worn while streaming the night before. She slyly slid one of them into her own diaper. Like hell, Skye was gonna have all the fun. With the vibrator in close, she turned her attention back to Skye. Storming over to the bedside, she pulled the front of her diaper open and shoved one of the eggs in between her swollen lips, giving the helpless Little zero time to react.

“MMMMMMMMMM!” moaned Skye as her heart nearly dropped. Unlike Latasha, Ellie’s fingers were clumsy and wild, sending her mind into a frenzy as she attempted to secure the egg as deeply as she could. Part of her longed for Latasha’s gentle touch, especially with how horny she was, but another part of her had no desire to be anywhere else.

After another minute of fingering, Ellie finally removed her hand, satisfied that the egg was now secure. “There we go. You may not have been wet enough for my wand, but you still get to enjoy a consolation prize,” she said, unaware that she’d forgotten to use Little’s speech.

Groaning, Skye wanted nothing more than to grab Ellie’s hand and shove it back down her diaper. Not only did she get her hot and bothered and then totally blue ball her, but she was also torturing her with the Easter egg she’d snuck into her coochy. Placing her hands on the front of her diaper, she lost control of herself and began to perform humpies on Ellie’s bed.

Smacking Skye’s hands away, Ellie shook her head and wagged her finger. “Bad baby! If you can’t keep your hands from wandering, there'll be no buzz buzz buzzing happening in that diaper of yours.” Grabbing Skye by the wrists, she pulled her up to her feet and marched her way over to the door.

“Whewe awe we goin?” asked Skye, toddling along behind Ellie on unsteady legs. She could already feel her embarrassment growing at the thought of being sent out in front of Carol with a vibrator inside of her.

Without looking back, Ellie casually answered, “To the nursery, of course! You’re the one who said you wanted to play, silly baby.” Standing proudly as she exited her room into the hallway, she felt a sense of superiority she’d never felt before. As the youngest of three sisters, she’d always been the baby of the family. However, as a Switch herself, she’d always wanted to have a big sister relationship with someone, never once considering that Skye might be the perfect candidate. Sure, she was very Little and fun to play with, but she could also be a tattle tale and a total Mommy’s girl at the worst of times. Now that she had her in her clutches, though, she definitely wasn’t going to waste the chance.

Passing through the kitchen, Ellie and Skye ran into Carol, who was busy loading large quantities of food into the refrigerator. “Oh! Stay back, Ellie. Can’t have you seeing your cake before tomorrow,” she said in a sing-songy voice, causing her little girl to giggle.

Ellie may have been able to dominate a Little like Skye, she was powerless around a true dom like her Mommy. Still, that didn’t stop her from conjuring up a plan in her head to taste some of that cake before tomorrow. Nodding her head, she crossed her fingers behind her back.

Seeing Ellie’s physical representation of betrayal, Skye let out a small gasp. “D-Did Ellie just tell a lie?” she thought, unable to believe that she could tell such a bold-faced fib. Her internal good girl wanted to rat Ellie out, but as her princess parts twitched with intense longing, she knew she had to keep her mouth shut.

Little did Skye know that Ellie made sure she could see her deceiving gesture. Having been punished at the Padded Palace one too many times thanks to Skye’s infatuation with being a know-it-all goodie-two-shoes, she needed to make sure she could trust her not to tell Carol about all the naughty fun they were having.

Carol, meanwhile, knew that her baby girl was full of it. The menace had been sneaking bits ahead of her parties for years. Ellie didn’t know it but if she had so much as a taste of that cake beforehand, she’d be in big trouble in more ways than one; a thought that made Carol smile with devious thoughts. “Alright, baby girl, I’m trusting you,” she said, holding out her pinky finger to Ellie, which the avid troublemaker accepted without hesitation.

For Skye, there was nothing more sacred than a pinky swear. Having already let Ellie slide by crossing her fingers behind her back, she wasn’t sure she could look the other way on this. Biting her lip, she kept telling herself it would all be worth it when Ellie let her make all the cummies she wanted in her diaper.

“Your turn, Skye,” said Carol, turning to Skye with her pinky out, “I know you’re an extra good girl, but I still need to make it official, sweetie.”


Staring at Carol’s pinky with unwavering eyes, Skye took a deep breath and lifted her slightly shaky finger towards Ellie’s Mommy. Even if Ellie did something, it wouldn’t break the promise she made not to eat the cake…at least that’s what she told herself as she locked pinkies with the intimidating Big, feeling a strange rush of adrenaline.

“Alright then, you two, go have some fun!” said Carol, lowering her arm and giving a playful spank to Skye’s bottom to send her on her way.

Such an innocuous-seeming gesture nearly put Skye on her knees as she let out a soft, noticeably aroused yelp. With her face burning deep crimson, she responded only a brief, “Th-Thank you.” Unable to turn around and face Carol after the noise she made, she grabbed Ellie’s hand and scampered out of the room quickly.

Left alone in the kitchen, Carol shook her head. “What in God’s green Earth are those two up to?” she said, chuckling to herself. Perhaps a small bit of spy work was in order, though it would have to wait until the catering was all put away. Wearing a wide grin, she curiously wondered if Latasha was having as much fun as she was right now.




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