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DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, crossdressing, inappropriate language, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!


The keyboard clacked beneath Ellie’s nimble fingers and all Skye could do was watch in awe. Somehow, the girl who seemed the littlest of everyone at the Padded Palace was capable of playing such a violent and adult video game. Covering her eyes with her fingers, Skye could only stand to look at the blood and gore through her tiny digits. There was just no way that Carol would allow her Little to play something like this, right?

Turning to take a sip of water from the baby bottle next to her, Ellie caught Skye lurking out of the corner of her eye. Startled, she jumped in her black and red gaming chair. “Skye! Whatcha doing creeping around behind me?” she joked, smiling at Skye as if nothing were out of the ordinary.

Crawling meekly towards the gamer girl, Skye kept her head down, embarrassed to be caught spying. “I-I was jus watchin…uh…whad game is dis?” she asked in a way that sounded almost afraid to learn the answer.

“Uh oh! Is someone feeling Little?” said Ellie, reaching down and patting Skye’s hair, “It’s called Far Cry, and it's a shooting game for grown-ups, but Mommy lets me play it when I earn nice points!” She lifted her nose at the end of her sentence, feeling a sense of pride.

Looking puzzled, Skye asked simply, “Nice poins? Whad awe dohs?”

Ellie swiveled in her chair and pointed to a small chart on the wall filled with happy-faced yellow stickers and angry-faced red stickers. “When I’m a good girl, Mommy gives me nice points for being well-behaved. But when I feel like being bratty, she gives me naughty points. Those are the red ones,” she said, smiling triumphantly as she presented the mostly yellow stickered page to her friend.

“Wow!” said Skye, genuinely impressed that Ellie could go this long without being naughty. Even at home, she felt like she couldn’t go more than a day without Latasha dealing out some sort of playful punishment for how naughty she often was. It wasn’t that she minded. If anything, she loved to encourage her Mommy’s dommy side. However, if prizes could be earned for being good, she’d certainly think twice before impulsively acting on whatever disobedient thought popped into her head.

Before Skye could ask any more questions, the next round of Ellie’s game started up. Grabbing her headset, Ellie slipped it back on as if Skye wasn’t even there, saying brashly “Alright dude bros, you ready to get your butts spanked by a girl?!”

Wanting to play in the nursery with her friend, Skye was a little disheartened that Ellie would go back to her game and forget about her so effortlessly. Grabbing onto Ellie’s shirt, she gave it a soft pull, hoping that would get her attention back. Unfortunately, all Ellie did was swat away Skye’s hand.

“I’ll talk more after the round,” said Ellie, her voice sounding noticeably annoyed. She leaned forward to get her face closer to the monitor, refusing to let her needy friend distract her.

Letting go of Ellie, Skye backed away until her diaper pressed against the far wall. Something felt very wrong about all of this. How was Ellie, the girl who couldn’t hold her bowels back or count to ten to save her life when she played with her at the Padded Palace, acting like such a big kid? As someone who was practically in Little Space 24/7, it was like finding out the Easter Bunny wasn’t real. She slumped down against the wall and curled her legs up into her arms. Half of her hoped Ellie would finish soon, but the other half was a bit nervous to talk to her again.

The room stayed mostly quiet from that point onward. Other than a few mild curses, Ellie was too focused on her game to say much of anything. The long wait time led Skye to continue munching on all the goodies she’d stuffed into her diaper. Scarfing down several packets of fruit snacks and cookies, her mind started to empty itself as she slid back towards deep Little Space. It wasn’t until she reached down for another snack packet and felt that her diaper was moist that she even noticed she had wet herself.

To Skye, this typically was no big deal. She wet herself unconsciously all the time. Unlike normally, though, she found herself feeling slightly embarrassed to have lost control of her bladder in front of Ellie, who she couldn’t help but view as more grown-up. And it wasn’t the kind of embarrassment that felt good either.

Looking towards the mirror stationed on Ellie’s closet door, Skye stared at her infantile wardrobe, which was contrasted by her height, as well as her more mature assets. For the first time in a long time, she couldn’t see the baby she felt that she was deep down. All she saw was an adult in a diaper.

“Whatcha frownin fo?” asked Ellie, who was no longer sitting in her gaming chair. Instead, her face was now only a few inches from Skye’s. “Was id da game? I pwomise, ish nod dat scawy.”

Shaking her head, Skye tried to say what she was feeling but got too choked up to be that honest. All she could manage to say without bursting into tears on the spot was, “I dunno.”

Scooping her friend up in a hug, Ellie didn’t know what Skye was going through, but just like her Mommy always said, the power of hugs is unstoppable. “Weww, we can go pway in da nuwsuwy if chus wans,” she said, hoping the offer to play would be enough to pull Skye out of her sadness.

In true toddler fashion, the idea of getting exactly what she wanted was more than enough to pull Skye out of her depression. With sparkles in her eyes, she looked up at Ellie and stood up to hug her tighter. “Uh-huh, I wansa pway wit chus,” she said, her voice still a tad shaky from sobbing.

As Skye pulled her friend in close, Ellie couldn’t help but feel the squish of Skye’s wet diaper rubbing up against her leg. Giggling, she lowered one of her arms from Skye’s hug, allowing her to place a firm hand on the front of her diaper. “Hehehe, I thought I felted a mooshy diapee,” she teased, walking her friend backward until her heels were against the bed.

“Mmmmmuh! I-Id was a accident!” pleaded Skye, biting her lip to keep from moaning out. Latasha had forbidden the Littles in her care from being naughty with each other, so she often restrained herself to quietly masturbating in a corner when no one was paying attention. It wasn’t as if she’d never had intimate Little play either. After several years, though, she felt wholly unprepared.

Pushing Skye back onto the bed, Ellie jumped on top of her and lifted up the bedrail into place, making her twin bed a makeshift crib of sorts. “An accident, huh?” she said, snickering under her breath. “Well, if you’d like, I could take a closer look at your little accident.” She winked at Skye, making her intentions crystal clear.

Pinned to the bed under Ellie’s weight, Skye wasn’t sure what to do. Was this really the same Ellie that she’d spent so many days with at the Padded Palace? She may have been horny and scatter-brained, but it hadn’t escaped her notice that Ellie kept fading in and out of Little speech. Clearly, she didn’t know as much about her friend as she’d been led to believe.

Sensing Skye’s hesitation, Ellie slid off to the side of her friend. “Hey, if you’re not comfortable, that's okay. I’d seen you doing naughty stuff during naptime before, so I thought you were into the more kinky side of stuff. Sorry if I was too forward,” she said, placing a gentle hand on Skye’s shoulder.

At this point, Skye’s head was spinning so fast that she feared it would pop off. First, Ellie is casually talking to her like a big kid. Then, she swapped back to being Little before quickly transitioning to horny Little. Now, she was being sweet and understanding. It all didn’t add up to her. “I jus…why awe chus actin Big an stuff?” she mumbled barely audible enough for Ellie to decipher.

Suddenly, it all clicked in Ellie’s mind. “Oh, I see. Is that why you were so frowny earlier? Cuz I was using my big girl words?” she asked, chuckling a little to keep the conversation feeling light.

Skye nodded woefully in response. As embarrassing as it was to admit, it felt good to get it off of her chest. She began to calm down a bit.

“Awww, I’m super sorry! I guess it’s never come up at the palace, but I’m actually a switch,” said Ellie, petting Skye on the head tenderly, “Both my Mommy and your Mommy thought it would be best if I didn’t let that side of me show in front of the rest of you. I only let you know because, well, I thought you were like me.”

“Wike chus?” asked Skye, still reeling from this huge revelation. Ellie was a switch?! How could she have played with her this long and never figured that out? At that moment, it hit her just how few details she actually knew about Ellie’s personal life or Stacy or Riri’s lives for that matter. When they were together in the Padded Palace, they were always focused on playtime and Little Space, sparing little thought towards small talk and actually getting to know each other.

Laying her head back onto the mattress, Ellie sighed, “Yeah. Like I said, I saw you getting handsy with yourself one too many times and got it in my head that you must enjoy the sexual gratification of wearing diapers, which in turn, lead me to assume you had a Big side like me. I should’ve remembered what Mommy always says: to assume makes an ASS out of U and ME. Oops! Sorry for the naughty language.” She quickly covered her mouth with her hands, causing both her and Skye to share an awkward yet earnest laugh.

Blushing hard, Skye turned away from Ellie. “I never said I didn’t,” she muttered, feeling a bit of momentary bravery. Having already been groped a little by Ellie less than a minute ago, she could feel her kitten growing moist and hot.

“Oh? Is that so…” said Ellie, crawling back over top of Skye while doing her best to make sure she didn’t feel cornered, “What a naughty, naughty Little girl you are. And here I just thought you were only pretending to be this small.”

Skye’s blush grew brighter from Ellie’s teasing. Deep down, she knew she wanted Ellie to dominate her, a concept that would have seemed too bizarre before setting foot in her room. And yet, she wasn’t sure if she could follow through with her horny ambitions. What would Carol say if she found out? Or Latasha?! As her mind raced with every reason to say no, Ellie leaned down to her ear and whispered a sentence so sensual that all objecting thoughts vacated her little head, “Just say yes, and I can show you just how much fun being Big can be for a change.”




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