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DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, domination, age regression, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!


“I’m coming home, Sarah…”

For a while, Jane held her breath with her eyes squinted closed. Keeping a tight hold of the ring on her finger, she felt the floor drop out from under her in an instant, but never sensed the inertia of falling. Instead, she felt almost weightless. The only thing that seemed to tether her to any sense of reality was sound, hearing a cacophony of voices surrounding her as if she were laying in the middle of a packed baseball stadium.

Opening her eyes, Jane had no comprehension of what she was seeing. All around her was a blur of color and light. And the voices she heard were not just any random strangers. They were the voices she’d heard over the past few days. Hector, Crissie, Rebecca, and even Sarah! Their faces and voices seemed to flash by, too cluttered for her to focus on.


“Oh no…” thought Jane, gripping her gut as she felt it bubbling warmly. Even whilst stretching the fabric of time and space, her bowels and bladder refused to cooperate, still damaged by Rebecca’s fateful words. She tried to hold back, wanting to disrupt this space as little as possible. Sadly, her will had already been weakened after an exhaustive fight with Hector, leading to the inevitable.



All at once, the contents of Jane’s innards spilled out into her diaper. She groaned, whining that her time in a clean diaper had been very short-lived. Oddly enough though, while she could clearly feel herself filling her pampers, her tummy seemingly got no relief, feeling just as cramp-filled as it was before the wetting and messing began.

Slowly, her diaper, imbedded with cosmic energy after Hector’s diaper change, swelled around Jane, going from an innocuous, clean white diaper to a bloated bag of mush in less than a minute. And it showed no signs of stopping its growth. Placing her hands on her stomach, she could feel it grumbling heavily, almost vibrating from how much it was producing. Her hands soon found their way down to her diaper, squishing into it in hopes to prevent it from growing further. All that ended up doing, though, was sinking her hands deep into its unbelievably squishy walls. It wasn’t long before her diaper was about the size of a car.

Wanting to disconnect herself from the mammoth diaper as soon as she could, Jane reached down and tried to unlatch the tapes, but they didn’t seem to budge even one millimeter. She kicked and struggled, pulling with all of her might, but it was as if she’d been glued inside of the diaper. After a few more attempts she eventually gave up, allowing her focus to shift towards not what she felt or saw, but what she heard. Within the voices all around her, she could make out familiar voices like Sarah and Rebecca. Surely, if she listened well enough, she would find her escape.

“It’s been a while since I’ve come across a fantast like you.”

Jane’s ears perked up, hearing a line from Hector that had stuck with her ever since he’d uttered it. Looking towards where she heard his voice coming from. Within the stream of color, she could barely make up what looked to be the very scene where she first found the lamp and met the genie. She willed herself towards it, trying to swim across whatever subspace she was in, but the diaper around her waist acted like an anchor, keeping her from moving forward with much velocity.

Jane, however, would not be deterred. Paddling with her arms as hard as she could, she willed both herself and the massive load she was still adding to in the direction of Hector’s voice. It was funny, someone who’d been such a deterrent to her escape was now the voice of her salvation. Reaching out, she dipped her hand into the colorful stream, watching the waves of light spill around her fingertips. In an instant, her vision became too bright and blurry to make out anything but blinding light. She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to handle the raw energy rushing around her. Soon, she felt herself losing consciousness, succumbing to the immense power that flowed endlessly, hearing Hector’s voice one final time as he said his final words from that fateful night.

“This is farewell for now, Jane. I have a feeling we’ll meet again someday.”


Jane’s eyes split open in an instant, recoiling backward onto her clean, normal-sized diaper butt as she came to. Looking around, she could see she was back in her home nursery. At her feet sat Hector’s lamp, which vanished without a trance only seconds later. Part of her didn’t want to believe everything that just happened was real, but as she held up the silver ring in her hand, she knew what transpired had to be true. She instantly tossed the ring to the side, wanting nothing to do with the damned thing ever again. Falling onto her back, she looked up at the ceiling, breathing in a heavy sigh of relief as she listened to the sound of a running bathtub and knowing her wife was only a couple of walls away.

“Welcome back.”

Jane’s head shot upward, shocked to see that not only was Master alright, but she was currently standing in her nursery’s doorway. “Quite the set-up you’ve got here. Very homey. Personally, I’m not one for the DIY look, but to each their own,” said Master as she strode in a wide circle around the room until she was right at Jane’s feet.

“Th-Thank you?” said Jane, uncertain if Master meant that as a compliment or not, “How are you here? I thought that-”

“I got left behind to be crushed and consumed by the never-ending void of the Great Macroverse? Yeah, I kinda did. Ow, by the way,” said Master, her voice dripping with sarcasm, “But, as you can see, I’m alive and well, all thanks to you.” She offered a hand down to Jane, helping her up to her feet.

Jane scratched her head, still hung up on one detail, “But, how do you know? Like, about everything that happened…or was going to happen?”

“Beings accustomed to having their consciousness travel between dimensions have a pretty good sense of when their timelines get altered. Both Crissie and I will have no issue recalling what happened, but your wife and friends won’t notice anything more than a bit of deja vu,” said Master, her face suddenly turning sour, “Sadly, this also means that Hector more than likely remembers as well.”

Before Jane could respond, the sound of Sarah turning off the bathtub suddenly snapped her attention to her wife. “Will I need to worry about him wanting revenge?” she asked, her eyes lingering on the door.

“More than likely, no,” said Master, offering Jane the most sincere smile she could manage, “Unless something world-altering were to happen again, Hector is still bound to his lamp. You’ll likely have been dead for thousands of years before he’d have any chance at revenge.”

Jane scoffed, “Oh, that’s comforting.”

Master placed an arm and Jane’s shoulder, snickering gleefully. “Hey, c’mon, lighten up, will ya? We did save the World, after all. And it was all thanks to you in that little ring of yours,” she said, slyly glancing down at Jane’s hand to see if she still had it on, only to notice it was missing. “Might I ask what you did with that ring?

“Oh, right!” said Jane, rushing across the room to pick up the discarded ring. Without any hesitation, she placed it in Master’s waiting hand, “And sorry for causing so much trouble.”

Examining the ring in her hand, Master smirked, “Oh don’t worry. YOU were not the cause. And trust me when I say Crissie’s gonna be in for quite the punishment.” A speck of light shone from Master’s hand as she placed her fingers around the ring. Spreading her fingers out, she slowly pried the ring’s molecular components apart, revealing a tiny, yellow orb glowing inside. She snatched it out and snapped it out of existence before constructing the ring back together and tossing it back to Jane, “It’s powerless now. Think of it as a souvenir.”


Suddenly, Jane doubled over as she was hit by a gas attack before her bowels were evacuated with no warning. Meanwhile, an unmistakable *hssss* filled the room as the front of her diaper grew moist and yellow. “W-Whaaaa?!”

Covering her mouth, Master couldn’t contain herself. Jane’s reaction was just too adorable. “Um…remember when Hector mentioned all the cosmic energy it would take to reset that many days?” she said, averting her eye contact, “Well, he wasn’t really lying and, as a result, you may experience a few…side effects.”

Falling to her knees to avoid losing her balance and splattering her mess all across her rear, Jane looked up at Master, scowling, “Isn’t there something you could do? I can’t even fix this with the ring anymore!”

“Sorry, kid. No dice,” said Master, giggling as she patted Jane on the head, “But hey, there’s always potty training!”

Jane pouted and groaned as she watched Master shut the nursery room door, only to pull out the portal key and stick it inside. “As much as I’d love to stay and chat, I have a business to attend to, and a naughty Little to punish,” she said, opening the door and creating a portal back to her office on the other side, “Also, you seemed like you can handle your own pretty well back there. I may have a business proposition for you in a month or so. If you’re interested, that is.” Stepping through the portal, she waved goodbye as she reached back and closed the door, “Ta ta for now.”

And then just as soon as all the craziness had started it was over. It took a moment for it to sink in for Jane. Her body was back to normal. Sarah, Rebecca, Laura, they were all probably back to normal too. There was no genie or mystical power to deal with. For the first time in several days, she felt herself relax, absentmindedly settling herself back on her full diaper. “Well, one thing’s not back to normal,” she joked to herself, waving her hand in front of her nose at the appalling stench, “Oh, however will I explain this one to Sarah?”




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