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DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, domination, age regression, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!



“Welcome home, Hector,” said Iris as her voice went out over the speakers. Both Master and Jane were slightly startled by the disembodied voice as they stepped off of the elevator into Hector’s living quarters.

“Thank you, Iris,” said Hector as he ushered Master and Jane into his living quarters. He then turned to the two girls with a cheesy, yet forced smile on his face, “Welcome to my humble abode. It’s not often I have guests so I apologize for the mess.”
Looking around the room, Jane was completely confused by what Hector was saying. This place was a palace. Save for some dirty dishes and a few crumbs of dirt near a flower pot, there wasn’t much that could be deemed untidy.

However, in spite of that fact, Hector quickly moved around the room, snapping his fingers at anything out of place, causing it to vanish in an instant. If Jane wasn’t mistaken, he was clearly showing signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Specifically, it was the way his interior decor appeared to be organized to be perfectly symmetrical, with the neat freak element only confirming her suspicions. She smiled, feeling smart as she reveled in her psychological analysis. That smile, however, disappeared quickly, as she felt a tightening in her tummy.


Jane’s eyes shot wide open as a sudden onslaught of feces vacated her bowels. There was practically no warning beyond the slight feeling of fullness in her gut. “Damn it, Rebecca,” she cursed under her breath as she felt herself grow aroused by the seat of her supremely messy diaper growing even further. Craning her neck back, she was in utter horror to find that her diaper was sagging down past her knees, whilst still maintaining some of its fluffy diaper shape. With the added weight proving to be too much, she fell backward with an obnoxiously wet *SPLURCH!!!*, moaning softly as she covered her mouth with her hand.

“Ugh! Jane, that thing is rank!” shouted Master, plugging her nose and waving her hand in front of Jane. As she stared down at Jane’s bulging diaper, though, she couldn’t help but feel a little proud of how well one of her creations was holding up. Still, this was not the time for bragging. “Hector, would you mind doing something about the actual mess in this room?”

Not wanting to admit that the smell didn’t bother him whatsoever, Hector snapped his fingers and quickly got back to work, savoring the last of the glorious, foul-smelling scent. He then returned to his self-imposed cleaning duties.

Jane suddenly felt her diaper beginning to wiggle and vibrate, smushing the substantial amount of stool around her rear. The feeling was gross, but she couldn’t stop herself from getting turned on by the swirling squishiness. Thankfully, the genie’s magic didn’t take long to work. Slowly she sank down until her butt felt the hard surface of the floor. Soon, all signs of wetting and messing had completely vanished, leaving Jane with a diaper that looked like it had just been pulled from the package. “Uhhh! That’s so much better,” she said, her horniness clearing up now that her nappy was fresh.

“Great, now can we stop with the cleaning,” said Master, who was obviously annoyed. Between Jane and Hector, she wasn’t sure who the bigger liability was. If worse came to worst, she was prepared to do whatever it took to save her timeline. “We need to get down to business. Hector, you have extraordinary cosmic power. Is there anything you have in this lamp that can fix this? I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

Tapping his chin, Hector stepped towards the couch and plopped himself down. “Iris, could you fetch me that Boulevardier,” he said with a smug grin.

“As you wish,” said Iris, who promptly brought her mystical master his drink.

Folding her arms, Master knew exactly what game Hector was playing. Standing over him, her frustration was at its boiling point as she said, “Hector, I know we’ve had our differences, but if you could get your lazy, entitled ass off of that couch and help us, that would be fucking great!”

“And why would I do that?” said Hector with a soft chuckle, “As far as I see it, a black hole poses no threat to my dimension within this lamp. I’ll make a home for myself wherever the void spits me back out-”

In less time than it took for Jane to blink her eyes, Master had jumped on top of Hector with her hands around his throat, “Then why the fuck did you bring us here, huh?!”
The evil, twisted smile that formed on Hector’s face said more than words ever could. However, that didn’t mean his words didn’t cut deep. “To ensure that your precious timeline disappears without a trace,” he snickered, “You can’t operate the elevator, so you’re stuck in here with me until I leave the lamp. There’s quite literally nothing you can do, so you might as well make yourselves comfortable.”

As the genie’s diabolical laugh echoed out across the room, Master’s hands loosed as a look of defeat filled her eyes. “Why…” she said, biting her cheek to prevent even a single tear from falling, “Why didn’t you fucking leave like all those other lame Gods did, huh?”
“Because I wasn’t gonna let some whiney wannabe Goddess rob me of my home. I’d rather see it in ruin,” said Hector, “That’s why I ramped up production of magical items. I stretched you so thin dealing with the messes I made that you didn’t see the world-ending mess that your own Little was making! It’d be sad if it wasn’t so pathetic.”


Both Master and Hector’s heads turned abruptly, in a surprising turn, it was Jane’s voice who echoed throughout the room. “I…I’ve had it!” she said, stomping over to the feuding pair, “The two of you…really fucking suck, you know that?! Like, this isn’t some chess game you to outsmart each other in! Yet you both see me, my wife, and every other goddamn person on this Earth as pawns!”

Taking a breath, Jane did her best to calm herself down. She could feel herself getting choked up. However, one look at both Hector and Master told her that she had them each hanging on her every word. She couldn’t break now. With one last breath, she collected her thoughts. “Please, for once in both of your lives, can you put aside your differences and do something selfless,” she said before reaching into her diaper and pulling out the silver ring, “I never asked for this. I just want to go home and enjoy a peaceful, mortal life with my Mommy. So please, help me fix this.”

Sitting in silence as Hector starred in Jane’s direction, he sighed heavily. “Okay.”

“Okay?” said Master, her ears perking up. In all honesty, she thought Jane’s speech was rather cliché and underwhelming. But if it brought Hector to action, then it was the best goddamn speech she’d ever heard for all she cared. “Okay! So, what are we doing? Is there some magical item or device or…you know?” She looked to Jane for any suggestions to add to her line of questioning, but all Jane could do was shrug her shoulders.

Hector’s smirk once again returned. “Oh, there are a few things we could try, but to be honest, the least damaging to your precious timeline is already in this room,” he said, pointing to the ring in Jane’s hand, “That ring can do just about anything you imagine, including rewinding time.”

“Yes!” screamed Master, rushing to her feet and quickly zoning in on Jane, “Hurry, put it on and let’s get this over with.”

Jane went to slide the ring on her finger, but as she did, Hector interrupted, “I wouldn’t make the mortal do it, though. It would take a lot of cosmic energy to reset that many days. No telling what it could do to her.” Hopping to his feet and approaching Jane, he reached for the ring in her hand but was stopped by a small bolt of electricity that kept him several inches from it. “I’d do it myself, but my powers prevent me from getting close to any enchanted items.”
“Then give me the ring,” said Master, snatching it from Jane and placing it on her finger in a flash.


All of a sudden, Master’s entire body was engulfed in electricity. Falling to her knees, she cried in pain as her body took on more and more damage. A small, yellow puddle soon formed underneath her. Finally, after nearly a full minute, the electricity stopped with Master crashing to the floor, unconscious.

“Hehehe…AHAHAHAHAHA!!!” cackled Hector, doubling over as he snapped his fingers. Suddenly, a pink bubble appeared in his hand with a familiar-looking silver ring inside. “Hope you enjoyed the change, Jane. I sensed that ring on you the moment I came out of that lamp. All I needed to do was wait for you or Master to demand I clean you to make the switch.”

With her mouth hung open in awe, Jane stepped backward, shaking in fear. “W-What did you do to her?” she asked, unable to look away from Master’s fried body.

“Exactly what I’m going to do to you,” said Hector, his humorous expression turning to a menacing one in an instant, “Unless you do exactly as I say.”




Paul Bennett

Nice chapter. The cliffhanger is interesting. Hopefully Jane, Chrissy and Master can formulate a plan.


Oh Hector you bastard... Let's see how anybody in the world gets out of this one