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Heyyo! Thank you to everyone from the interactive story club for helping to put together an amazing chapter. Join me on Discord next Saturday, November 27th, for the Chapter 3 brainstorming live stream! Also, be sure to vote in this weeks poll for what you want to see in the next chapter! I hope you enjoy!



“No! S-stop it! Ahhhh!” screamed Deedee, who try as she may, could not get her legs to stop moving, as she unwillingly shut her apartment door behind her with a bang. The infantile ensemble she had on was the last thing she wanted to be caught dead wearing in public. There’s no way that anyone who so much as glanced at her appearance wouldn’t notice the ridiculously thick and soggy diaper she was forced to use. Her heart was racing as her body thrust itself down the halls of her apartment completely outside of her control, reducing her to nothing more than a puppet on a string.

Meanwhile, Punisher had already finished hacking into the apartment’s security feed so that all of Deedee’s most valued patrons could witness their former pamper goddess fall from her pedestal.

AllySmolShork: Seriously guys isn’t this a little fucked up?

Yuuki Soulless: *sucks thumb farts*

AllySmolShork: Not helping Yuuki

Flurp: I command AllyBuzzkillShork to shush before she gets spanked!

AllySmolShork: >//////////////<

Rachel’s Secret: She called us disgusting perverts!!! I always assumed she was faking for the camera but I didnt think she hated us that much 🤬🤬🤬

Jassikins: I think I spot a spoiled brat who desparately needs to be punished!

BlushyBen: Yeah!

Rachel’s Secret: I agree!

Flurp: Duck yeah!

Flurp: *FUck

Punisher: Pay attention! Looks like she’s about to run into an old friend 😈

As Deedee approached the elevator, she came across one of her neighbors who lived down the hall. Even worse was the fact that the woman in front of her who was holding the hand of her toddler-aged daughter used to be her boss, Donna. Move-in day turned so sour when she found out that Donna lived only a half dozen doors down from her. Her Karen-Esque attitude made her one of the most insufferable people to be around. So, of course, she’d be the first one to see Deedee in all of her shameful glory.

Donna was on her way towards the elevator herself when she turned to see the dashingly diapered Deedee wearing an outfit that even her three-year-old baby girl, Fleur, would blush up a storm in. Her stunned silence of seeing this young, spit-fire girl dressed up so childishly and indecently soon turned into a near uncontrollable fit of giggling. She covered her mouth, well aware that her daughter was standing right next to her.

“Mommy, are you alwight?” said Fleur, whose once noticeable lisp had nearly disappeared. She turned to see what her mom was reacting to, finding the prettiest princess she’d ever seen. Her eyes lit up, overjoyed to be graced by such Deedee’s beautiful, regal appearance. “Mommy! Mommy! There’s a pwincess!” She broke from her mother’s hand and ran towards Deedee.

This was definitely a moment where Deedee was grateful that she was being forced to keep walking. She wanted to spend as little time around her boss and her screeching daughter as well.

Punisher: I COMMAND you to stay and chat with Donna and Fleur

Suddenly, Deedee’s body came to a halt just in time for Fleur to collide with her legs, sending her falling backward onto her padded rump. Her skirt flipped up, unveiling the sheer size and girth of her diaper, along with showing off the small yellow spot that permeated on the crotch of the padding. She pushed her crinolines down to cover herself up, but the damage was done.

Donna’s hand could no longer contain their hysterics. She keeled over, placing her hands on her knees as she bellowed out the hardiest laugh she’d had in years. This was the girl who had been so confident as she quit her job, demanding to be paid out early and refusing to fulfill her two weeks notice. She was going to have fun with this for sure!

Feeling guilty, Fleur went to help Deedee roll forward, which turned out to be a far more trying task due to her bulky underwear. “Soww...SoRry,” she said, remembering to correct her speech impediment this time. However, the easily distracted girl’s eyes soon wandered over to the pink pamper, turning her head sideways in confusion, “Mommy? I thought you said onwy babies use diapers.”

After having spent the last 15 minutes being humiliated in front of a bunch of online weirdos, the last thing Deedee needed right now was to have even more piled on by someone who wasn’t even an eighth of her age.

Finally having calmed down enough to form words, Donna stood up straight and looked down upon her former employee. She may have only been a few inches taller than her, but as Deedee sat on the ground in a diaper and a tiny babydoll dress, she felt absolutely giant. “Pfffff...you’re quite right, baby girl. Diapers are for babies, and this is what happens when you don’t mind mommy and grow up as a bratty, unruly child who refuses to potty train herself!” she said, shaking her head while savoring every second of this, “So tell me, Deedee, because I’m dying to know. Why are you dressed like that? Halloween was last month, silly!”

Deedee opened her mouth to speak.

Matti1242: I COMMAND you to say you love your diapers because you’re a big diaper girl

“I love my diapers because I’m a big diaper girl” Deedee knew what she intended to say. She was going to lie and say it was for a charity event, just to make Donna feel really bad for laughing. However, that’s not what came out of her mouth. The redness in her cheeks engulfed her entire face.

BlushyBen: Holy fuck that worked!!!!

KingCrazy: 😱😱😱

AllySmolShork: This is real! What the shit?!!?!?!

Flurp: YOOOO!! Matti coming in from outta nowhere! Good job dude!

jack_black_943: 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Rachel’s Secret: Way to go @Matti1242 !

Matti1242: 😊

As the conversation online became distracted with shock and praise for their first non-Punisher command, Deedee was in her own personal hell. She stumbled over her words, “No! I-I don’t want to wear this! And I don’t need-EEEP!”

Deedee’s words were cut off by Donna, who had placed her hand on the frozen girl’s diaper front without asking. She snickered with great satisfaction, “You don’t need… what? Go on, finish your lie, sweetie.” She kept her hand on the warm and malleable plastic nappy, making sure to rub it her superiority, “What’s wrong, DiDee, cat got your tongue?”

If Deedee could be granted one wish, it would be to teleport to a deserted island where nobody could find her.

Yuuki Soulless: I COMMAND you to show off your diapee and ask for a change!

Jassikins: Your a evil genius

Deedee felt her hand starting to twitch, much like her legs did before she was about to move. She locked her elbows down her, doing her best to fight whatever her body was being compelled to do. Sadly, she couldn’t hold out forever. Her hands shot forward and grasped the front of her baby blue skirt, lifting it up high to show off her diaper. “Can I have a change?”

What the fuck were these freaks doing to her?! And how did they know what she was doing?! Deedee’s eyes darted around the hallway, centering in on the lone security camera above the door to the stairs. She didn’t want to believe it, but there was a good chance that if Punisher could hack her body, he could hack a simple security camera as well.

At this point, Donna had gone numb to Deedee buffoonery. She figured this must’ve been some horrible bet that she lost or something. Regardless of the circumstances, she had no interest in making it any easier for her ex-employee. “Oh, DiDee, your diapee’s nowhere near damp enough for a change. I’m just happy to see you took my advice about cutting down on bathroom breaks.” She said whilst continuing to probe Deedee’s diaper, “You know, it’s a funny coincidence that my little Fleur just graduated from diapers to pull-ups. Looks like she’s a bigger girl than you are.”

“That’s wight! I wear big girl puwll ups now!” shouted Fleur with endless enthusiasm, unaware that her words only served to sink Deedee’s pride even more.

Deedee’s blood was starting to boil from how flustered she was getting. She shouldn’t have to take this. She tried to move her legs to leave, or even to merely back up a step so that she could get Donna’s hand away, but it was as if her feet were glued to the floor. And she didn’t dare open her mouth again out of fear that her words might not be her own. She truly felt like a prisoner in her own body.

Removing her hand from Deedee’s damp diaper, Donna smirked, “​​Hmmm...based on how long you used to spend during potty breaks, are you certain one diaper is enough? Wouldn’t two, no, three feel much more secure? Pfffff! Why don’t you go fetch some more for me and I’ll get you padded up properly!” Her giggles returned to hammer in her devilish teasing. The level of humiliation she was planning to put this girl through if she agreed would be astronomical.

“No!” yelled Deedee, fully fed up with her former boss. Who the hell was she to bully her now? “One’s bad enough! Why are you such a-”

Punisher: I COMMAND you to go back to your apartment and return to your boss with two new diapers.

“Eeeep!” All of a sudden, Deedee turned heel and walked briskly back towards her apartment. She whipped her head back towards the camera, “N-NONONO! You can’t make me do this!” she swung her arms towards the wall, grabbing onto any edge that she could to stop herself. Her legs would not be deterred, though.

Making things worse was the ruckus that Deedee was causing had caught the attention of several other neighbors, all of whom wore shocked and bemused expressions upon seeing an adult baby in the flesh. “So much for living in this apartment,” thought Deedee as her body was willed through her doorway.

Loud clattering and screaming could be heard from outside of her apartment. Donna’s smile only grew as the show Deedee was putting on drew more and more eyes, with people from floors above and below gathering at the stairs and lining the hall to see what was going on.

By the time Deedee re-entered the hallway, she was mortified to find nearly two dozen onlookers, meeting her with judging eyes. Some laughed. Some gasped. Several scowled. All the while, she once again was forced to move through the corridor, giving everyone the chance to gawk up close at her babyish attire. She kept her eyes trained on the floor, hoping that her long hair would cloak her face enough to hide her identity.

Punisher: Don’t be shy. I COMMAND you to introduce yourself proudly to all of your neighbors.

Flurp: Here we go!

BlushyBen: Damn this is hot 🥵

Deedee stopped in place and stood up straight. Her face twisted itself into a cheery smile. “Hewwo! My name’s Deedee, and I wuv being a baby girl! AHHHHHH!” said Deedee, following up her speech with an ear-piercing scream. Her legs began moving towards Donna once again, who opened her arms for a big hug as Deedee approached. “Someone please! I...I’m not in control of my body! HELP!!!” The diaper-clad girl burst into tears as she was embraced by her most active tormenter.

Donna wiped Deedee’s tears away with her thumbs, smugly grinning at the once high and mighty girl, “It’s okay, sweetheart. Let’s get you aaaaall padded up.”



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