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Need to catch up?  Start at the Beginning! 

Alpha Girl quickly set about retracing her flight path before she’d been ambushed by the robo-wolf thing, sweeping the cityscape below with her infrared vision. Her eyes caught sight of a sculpture jutting out form the corner of one of the city’s more gothic skyscraper. She dipped down to an altitude just below it’s level and looked around. Her surroundings did seem to match where she remembered being when the thing first landed on her back. Absentmindedly she rubbed her shoulder where the thing had bitten her then looked back up at the gargoyle-like creature. She lifted back up and touched down on its head, and knelt to examine the metal surface.  She ran her fingers along a series of scratch marks on the surface. This could be the spot.

She rose up and scanned the building with her infrared vision and frowned. No obvious heat signatures that she could see. She stepped back off the statue into the air and floated to the center of the intersection of which the building was one corner and did a 360 scan of the area. Still nothing obvious. She tried to consider another angle to continue the search, but she was finding it hard to concentrate. She was feeling unusually anxious and irritable. She didn’t like the idea that she’d been so easy a target for this ambush.  She gritted her teeth in frustration, then noticed she was scratching the site of the bite again. It felt itchy, but that had to be her imagination, right?

She pulled the hand away from her shoulder and shook her head. Get a hold of yourself, girl,she thought. You found the spot. Let Owl Girl take it from here—she’s the mystery solver. She finds the bad guys, you hit them. It’s a good system. She stretched in midair, She was surprised at how stiff and achy she felt. Maybe the evening had taken more out of her than she thought. Maybe Doc H was right and she should take it easy.

She’d never admit that to the Doc, of course, so rather than returning to the lab she decided to head back to her apartment. She was just over her building when a frantic voice came over the comms.

“Alpha Girl, this is Doc H. Come in!”

“Doc? What is it?”

“Thank God… I need you to get back here right away. I found something. The teeth of that robot had microinjectors in their tips. When you were bitten, you were injected with something. Trace elements of Emullite, and something else I can’t identify.”

Just then, the clouds parted revealing the full moon. Its light caught Alpha Girl’s attention, and she hovered there, staring at, Doctor H’s words fading in the background.  Her cheeks felt flush and she felt a strange sensation on the back of her neck as if the hairs were rising on end.

“If my hunch is right, though, we need to get you into containment immediately.,” the Doc continued.  “Alpha Girl, do you copy? Alpha Girl!”

The last call partly pull Alpha Girl back to reality.

“D-Doc? Sorry it’s… it’s the moon! It’s so … bright! I… I can’t take my eyes off it.”

“Alpha Girl, listen to me. Do NOT look at it. I need you to turn away and get back here now. Focus on my voice and get back to the lab.”

“Doc… Doc… I can’t… something’s wrong. I feel s-so…hot!” exclaimed Alpha Girl, now gasping for air, trembling in the sky, rubbing her shoulder. “I feel like something’s…s-something’s coming and I… OHHH!

Alpha Girl’s body went rigid as a strange sensation suddenly shot down her spine to her tailbone. Suddenly everything went red.

“Alpha Girl, are you there? Talk to me!”

“D-Doc? It’s my infrared vision! It’s like it’s on overload… and everything’s red! Doc… what… what’s happening to me?

To Be Continued!
