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Argh, so many irons in the fire— and so many close to completion.  Keeping momentum during the week is just murder though!  Anyway:

Special surprise project is moving along.  Here’s a completed frame from it!

If you remember when I posted the Start2Finish TF pinup I did of the Ashley Park She-Hulk awhile back, I also said there would be a “Before and After” format as well.  Image 2 is from that!  Flats are done…just need to add color details and renders!

Another proof of concept sketch is in the sketch stage.  I’ve gone back to doing sketch work in the Sketchbook app.

The current big commission just needs renders and it’s done!  Definitely want this complete by the weekend.

I’ve also started on design work for the next commission!

Just renders needed on the next Supermoon installment—plus writing up the narration.

Aaand because I didn’t already have enough on my plate, I got a new costume idea for one of the Lost Heroines.  This also just needs renders.

WIth many of these in the late stages, I’m hoping to knock many of these off this weekend.  We’ll see.

Thanks for your support!



Jacob S Blaustein

I hope you aren't overextending yourself with all this. Have you considered an AI artist assistant?