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A while back we all (myself included) got a nice surprise when we discovered someone had done an audio recording of one of my She-Hulk sequences.  Well, they are not the only one who has been tackling my characters!  As I mentioned some months ago, I was lucky enough to snag a spot in the "Crescent Moon Tier" of the phenomenal artist WereWorld.  I have to assume if you follow my work (especially for the were stuff) you are familiar with this artist and probably follow them already.  One of the best werewolf artists I've ever seen, and also a very strong sequential artist--their ongoing original comic "There's Something Wrong With Sue" is super detailed, gripping, and terrifying, (not to mention stomach churning) but their ability to inject so much detail into the mundane, quiet scenes as well is truly inspiring and a big reason I stick with it despite not being a big horror fan myself.

Anyway, the big perk of the Crescent tier is that I get a custom black and white inked drawing from this talented artist each month!  Of course I've started by having them take on some of my own were characters.  I posted about the first pic of the Canine Crusader herself back in April, but since then they've also tackled all three founding Lunateers!  If you aren't already a follower you owe it to yourself to check it out--the tier that gives let you see all the art is only $5, and I think $1 will give you access to all the black and white stuff, including the ongoing comic and these pinups.  Fair warning, though--this is definitely in the realm of modern horror, so a strong stomach is probably a perquisite.  In the comic, someone just got hit by a truck and... ugh.  not pretty.  If you like that stuff though, then this artist is doubly recommended!

WereWorld's Patreon 








Wereworld is one of the few artists I’ve seen on Patreon that makes genuinely frightening work.


Deliberately frightening, yes. I respect how he takes the werewolf subjectand firmly plants it in the horror genre--and he leverages his detailed, traditional comic style to do so with an epicness and effectiveness that seems to elude most live action attempts these days.