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So many irons in the fire—there’s been a lot of “life” getting in the way this last week, so it’s hard to get the momentum to get anything just flat out done.  So many are so close—I just need some distraction-free time!

Pictured above:

I scanned in the last two pages of JennyBomb.  This is the next one.  The lack of time to sit down and polish off the current page is maddening.  I really want to get this done.

‘The welcome to August pinup is well under way.

The next installment of Omega Moon Rising is on the way.

Fine tuning inks still on the bigget of the two current commissions. This one Is definitely a journey That probably has many days more work ahead to complete.

The smaller commission. one good day’s work would polish this off, but again—finding the time has been tough.

Finally, remember that “proof of concept” sketch I was working on? Wound up starting over.  Going much better this time.

That’s it for now.  Hopefully at least some of this stuff will be done by next Wednesday!

Thanks as always for your interest!



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