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It had hit her out of nowhere. AlphaGirl would later have to admit she had been daydreaming about the cute guy in her journalism class while cruising between skyscrapers during a routine patrol. And then suddenly this thing was on her back, sinking its teeth into her shoulder.

There’s nothing like getting injured to snap you back to reality, especially when you’re supposed to be nearly invulnerable. AlphaGirl spun around at hyperspeed flinging the thing loose. She took a quick glance at her shoulder—some blood— an odd sight—but yep, the wounds were already healing, though her costume would need attention. But first she had to stop that thing from hitting the ground and possibly hurting someone less durable.

A quick dive and swoop and she caught it and shot back into the air. It must have jumped off a roof from one of the tall buildings she was cruising between, because once she’d shaken it loose it fell like a rock, so clearly it couldn’t fly. By pulling it back into the sky she was keeping it in her own element, which would give her the advantage.

The thing was, by all appearances, a werewolf, because apparently the situation wasn’t nutty enough already. But there it was, humanoid body, wolf head, grey fur, even torn trousers and the remains of a white shirt to complete the look. But as its jaws kept snapping shut while she held its head away at arm’s length, she was hearing an odd clanking noise. That wasn’t all that was off—no heartbeat, no hot breath—but something else, an artificial whirring sound.

Just then one of the thing’s flailing limbs caught her thigh, adding more cuts. “Okay, that’s it.” She tossed it straight up in the air, then fired off a couple of Alpha beams at it. When it came back down, she caught it again, and a smile spread across her face. She’d hit it in the hand, the knee, and the side of the face and, as expected, had burned off an outer layer of fake skin and fur to reveal metal rods, joints and servos. Loose wires dangled out from where its left ear had been, and blue sparks danced around the damaged areas.

“I knew it!” she exclaimed. It was a robot—and that meant she didn’t have to hold back. She concentrated and focused an extremely intense Alphabeam at the base of its neck, and with a quick turn of her head, sheared its own right off the shoulders. The head went sailing off into the sky. Tightening her grip on the body, AlphaGirl dashed after it, catching it with her free hand. She hovered for a moment, looking back and forth between the werewolf head and the now inert body.

Robot werewolf. Random, she thought. She sighed and looked at the damaged shoulder of her own costume. “Looks like it’s time for a visit to Dr. H,” she said, and headed through the night sky towards H-Q.

To be continued! 

Doing something a little different with the Full Moon pinups, and also branching out from our Supermoon tradition.  AlphaGirl, once of the Lost Heroines, is about to experience a life changing evening.  This will be told in a series of pinups with narration which will be updated each Supermoon.  The good news is, at least where I am, there are three more Supermoons in a row,  including two in August!  Hooray for the blue moon!

More to come!
