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Update 6/14/23:  Apologies for the repost but I woke up to find out this morning that the artist whose work was a reference for this piece just passed away at 93.

When George Perez passed away, I said I liked him because to me, with his attention to detail, his rendering of the characters was how they and their world really looked, and all other artistic styles (including Alex Ross, whose work shows what the characters might look like in our world) were interpretations of that.

But to me, and I'm sure to many folks of my generation, John Romita Sr. art was the best example of how superhero comics were supposed to look--the perfect balance between the fluid minimalism of Bruce Timm and some of the more hyperendered work of today.  His comics were always pleasant to read and pleasant to look at.  And yes, he drew some of the most beautiful women in comics.  The men--especially the heroic ones--did pretty well too.  His Peter Parker is still the definitive version that I think most others are based on, and would Mary Jane Watson be the icon she is today if he hadn't been the one to bring her to life on the page?  

As the world has gotten to be a darker, cooler place, I've found myself going back to his art and the stories he illustrated more and more.  It further expands his legacy that even though I associate him most with a classic, cleaner styleof comics, that he also had a hand in designing the two characters that I most associate with the grittier modern age, Wolverine and the Punisher.  He was the complete package, and there'll never be another like him.  With his work, we all hit the jackpot.

I usually hold TF related fan art for about a year before posting it publicly, but I think I'll be adding this one to the dA page today.  I think you'll agree it's only fitting.

Take care of each other,


A little extra--a pinup of Bobbie Banner inspired by a pose I saw in an old Amazing Spider-Man comic by John Romita Sr. (volume 1, #72, Page 2, Panel 5 for the curious).  Someone got on Bobbie's last nerve, and now she has to minimize the fallout somehow but putting as much distance between herself and everyone else.




She Hulk Fan

Nice dramatic scene there SAS! Great job!


THanks! Helps when you're using guidance from one of the all time greats in the insdustry.

Agent Zero

This needs to be made into a sequence. Nuff said!