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Hello!  Lots to cover this week—le‘s get to it!

Next month we‘re going to be working on giving Megumi Raymond aka Queen Kaiju a proper introduction.  I’m still looking to expand the Patreon tiers to five next month, and there will be a Meg pinup for each.  I’ve pretty much finished the first one, gotten the base colors done on the second, pencils on the third, and a pretty good sketch for the fourth, which leaves one to start. (Images 1-4)

As for commissions, I’m down to the last two—both pinups.  One is a basic color one that just needs shading added to complete, which I hope to finish today. The other has been hund up a bit.  I did revise the sword on the last sketch per the client’s recommendation but there are still several fine details to add which frankly I’m sweating a little.  I’ll need a good quiet sit down session with the iPad and the laptop so I can refer to images as I go.  I hope maybe to do that tomorrow.

Finally, tomorrow is a new month!  Got a welcome to June image flatted and ready to shade, which I will start on as soon as I post this.  The usual mid-TF pinup is going to be pretty involved this June so it probably won’t be ready by the Full Moon (which is OK- it’s not a werewolf pic anyway).  But I’ve got another something I’m working at to plug in that hole hopefully—even though it’s also Not werewolf related.

That’s all for now!  Thank you for your support and see you tomorrow for June’s kickoff!  In addition to the projects above, I’m planning to get back to JennyBomb!





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