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Hello everyone!

Sorry it's been so quiet.  2023 has been off to a rough start in some ways, as we've got an ill cat who's condition continues to vary and requires some TLC, medication, and a lot of observation.  The general trend is encouraging, especially compared to how she was over New Year's weekend, but there are continued ups and downs that indicate she's not out of the woods yet.

My office/studio/workspace also fell into disarray over the holiday season which made working difficult and I've been spending some of my time off trying to rectify that.  I'll continue to work on that today--I think we're getting there!  I might share some pictures when it's done.  There's also Holiday decorations to take down.  We stopped lighting them up after last weekend but they still need to be taken down.  This afternoon is supposed to be sort of mild so I'm gonna try to hit that today as well.

Meanwhile drawing has been coming harder the last two weeks.  Not sure what it is--I guess all the distractions.  But this latest pinup has helped me shake off the cobwebs a little.  When I was researching 80's fashion for my Janet Walker pinup earlier this month, I an across some other images that inspired me to tackle an 80's era Jen Walters.  I originally designed the outfit with slacks in mind, but then decided to try the skirt as well.  Which do you like?

That's where we stand.  Thanks for all your patience and support!




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