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Wow, that was exciting!

So I was having regrets almost as soon as I uploaded that last poll.  “Big waste of time,” I told myself.  “Any time you’ve uploaded a poll and there’s a She-Hulk option she always wins—decisively.”  In fact I conducted a poll not that long ago gauging interest in the three projects running at the time (JennyBomb, CMR, and Luna) and JennyBomb was the easy winner.

So I was a little surprised when CroMagna’s Revenge surged to an early lead, and was even more surprised when she kept it, though it was never a runaway—both Daphne and Jenny were never far behind.  Even more surprising was that Jenny was more often in third place.  But just to keep things interesting, over the last 24 hours Jen staged a comeback and actually came within one vote of catching Dana and two votes of passing her.  This pinup meant to celebrate Dana’s win almost became a consolation prize for the folks who voted for her.

But, at the end of the day, the people have spoken, and though it was close, the OC won the day.  Up against two beloved fan characters that’s quite a feat.  I don’t know if having Daphne in the mix split the vote (although I find there are pretty distinct werewolf and She-Hulk camps in the audience) or it’s the fact that while the other two have moved into their transformations Dana was just about to begin.  Whatever the reason, a big thanks to all 38 people who voted, and look for Cro-Magna’s Revenge to resume soon!

In the meantime, here‘s an early holiday themed pinup of the lady of the hour,  Dana Meadows!  I’m glad she’s got a solid fan base.  Are there a lot of children of the ‘80’s like me out there?

More to come!




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