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Hey all! I’ve been having a devil of a time getting any momentum going and apologize for the gaps in content.  I think that last piece I posted helped clear the cobwebs a little, so we’ll see if things improve.

One issue I think is that my ambition has outstripped my creative resources once again. I’ve got JennyBomb 2022, Cro-Magna’s Revenge, Lunar Lady Lost, and now Daph13 going all at once, plus the other surprise project and commissions.  You ever get that problem where you’ve got so many things to work on it’s a little paralyzing?  I think that’s some of what’s happening here.

This week I’m going to be focusing on commissions and getting the November Luna installment complete.  That at least should be done by the end of the year as the December installment is also nearly done.  I’m also going to be working to finish up roughing out the surprise project by the end of November as it’s part of a collaborative effort and I don’t want to keep my collaborator waiting.

That leaves the big three—Jenny, Dana, and Daph, and that’s where you come in.  I’m going to try focusing on getting one of these done at a time, and I’m going to let you choose! Look for a poll shortly!

Meanwhile, here’s a glimpse at the commission I’m currently working on and three frames from the surprise project in sketch form to tide you over.  Thank you for your patience and support!




Agent Zero

Oh boy, really looking forward to all this stuff!