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I know it’s been a little lighter on updates this week than it was last week, so I thought I’d show you some of the irons I’ve got in the fire.  The two commissions I’m working on are surprisingly similar in theme, so that’s why you’re only getting a look at the foot of the one so as not to be repetitious.  This one we’ve finalized more or lest the broad details of the piece, so my next step is to clean up the pencils and iron out the finer details.  

Next we’ve got the next panel of JennyBomb.  I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get a whole page in the can by the end of the month, but I hope to have at least a couple more panels in.  This one is ready for color details, then backdrops, renders, and lettering.

The other of the two commissions in]s next and you can kind of see where we’re going.  Alter ego costume changes have been surprisingly popular this year.  And neither of these clients are the same one that commissioned the earlier Superwoman pieces!

The next piece has already been seen by the Legionnaires, who also had a chance to look at the full image in pencil as well.  This is the feature we’re going to try to tackle for Halloween which I think will make most people pretty happy.  It will certainly cross something else off my TF art bucket list.

Finally we have a sketch from the surprise project I had spring up this month. Even though it’s still in rough form I’m pretty happy with how the gizmo in the foreground is turning out.  Unlike most of my projects I’m actually sketching out the whole thing before going back to add colors and inks.

This week I hope to finish one commission and get some more JennyBomb panels in the can.  We also need to start on Luna 10!  Busy busy!

I hope this glimpse has you excited for what’s to come! Thanks again for your interest and support!
