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Still in emergency mode at the day job, so not as much progress as I would have hoped. Other than the Galaxy Girl profile I posted this weekend, my main focus has been on my commission. I did finally finish the inks tonight, and laid down most of the flat colors. I hope to finish that this weekend. In between I’m working on another pinup. It’s a character I’ve drawn several times recently, but I’ve never drawn her smiling, so this should change that. Finally, I did do a little work on JennyBomb 2022 tonight, sketching the final She-Hulk image so I have an end point to guide me through the rest of the sequence.

Tomorrow I’d like to work on CMR a bit if I can, and this weekend the focus will be on the big commission. Next week we’ll continue work on the next commission, which hopefully will mean I can reopen the TF commissions soon!

Which of these projects are you most excited about? Thanks for your continued support!



Agent Zero

can't wait to see the BIG commission


Just to manage expectations, I call it the big commission because it's the biggest of the three in my current batch. It's a 6 stage TF in full color.