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Welp, I should have known after such a productive weekend my week would go down the tubes. COVID finally made its way to my day job, as one coworker was exposed at a family event over the weekend, and my boss developed a cold that also, due to the precautions put in place at my work, kept him out the whole week. I fortunately was not affected by either situation health wise, but it did leave me the last one standing at work, so I’ve been putting in longer days which took out my morning drawing time and didn’t leave me much energy in the evening either, sadly. You’ve already seen my main accomplishments since last Wednesday, the “Going Green” pinup and the Scarlet pinup. The next Luna pic is going to be slightly delayed, but I hope to finish that up tomorrow. No time for JennyBomb 2020 this week so far at all, and I’ve only done about a third of what I hoped on the commission as well. Oh, well. I do have most of the day off tomorrrow and there I will try to get the third Luna image finished and make up for lost time on the commission. I really want to have that done by the end of the month. Jenny and Dana will probably have to wait until next week, sadly.

Since I don’t have much to show you, here’s one other thing I was picking at between the lines—I always like to have something I can doodle in public, and this time it’s an updated design for our old friend Ginny Grace, aka Galaxy Girl!

Thanks for your continued support and patience. And just be aware, COVID is not done with us—not by a long shot. Be safe out there!
