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Finally for the Crusaders and Legionnaires, the completed page one without text.  There's probably going to be a little gap in JennyBomb updates as my next task is to work on the last page and get it to base colors so I can reference it while I complete the rest of the sequence.  In the meantime, how does it look so far?



Vincent Aaron Stauffer

I should say in the original, around pages 4 or 5, I thought She-Hulk looked grey. I'm sure you can either correct it, or keep it in, it's cool with me.


I don't remember that too much. The only colors applied to this before now was done by another person--Eegore. It might have just been an effect of the skin transitioning from pink/peach to green. Coloring software has of course come a loooooong way since then too. We'll have to see how this one comes out!