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Time for some updates and sneak peeks!

I try to do a little drawing on my lunch break at work, but I usually don’t work on my main projects there for various reasons. This week I got in the mood to draw the leading lady of the G.I. Joe team—I often get in the mood to draw her at this time of year. This weekend was focused on finishing the next two Panels of JennyBomb 2022, which have already been posted, and finishing roughing out the big commission. After getting the OK from the client, I’ve been working on tightening up the pencils for final approval before inking. I’m about half done with that. Last weekend I also worked on the next phase of the Luna project. Today I worked on something for “Green Day” on the 17th—about half done with the inking on that. Tomorrow we’ll work on the next installment of JennyBomb, which should be pretty simple, and then Friday I’ll try to finish up the pencils on the big commission, and then focus first on the Green Day pic and then the Luna Pic with the time I have left. Next week we’ll dive into inking the commission if all goes well and polishing off the two pinups. We’ll see how it all goes.

Thank you for all your support as always!




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