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Here’s a roundup of my week in drawing,

You seen the results of the first task I worked on after the last update— the next two panels of JennyBomb 22.  I have to say, after doing these two, I’m really psyched for the rest of the project.  My schedule’s a little off tomorrow but I’m still hoping to dig into the next two.   I really want to try to  capture the sense of how much Jenny’s getting worked up as she struggles to get free.

The other big thing over the weekend was the next commission.  After finalizing a creature design, I mapped out the poses and anatomy of the 6 figures in the sequence the first half of this week, and now I’m adding rough details such as clothing and hair,  I think people will really be happy to see this one when it’s done.

I also mapped out anatomy for the next couple of stages in the Lunar Lady sequence.  Stage three will need to be a focus for next week as the full moon will be here before you know it!  

I managed to finish foreground inks and add flat colors and details to Cro-Magna’s revenge page one, seen above.  I’ve made peace with the idea that this may be a year long project, between the commissions, JennyBomb, and Lunar Lady competing for time.  But as long as I pick at it a little each week (instead of letting it go for months at a time, like a I did with Julie Takes Wing and Savage A2Z, I’ll be satisfied.  I think this one’s gonna be 10-12 pages, all in all.

Also above is a sample of another pinup of Dana that I mostly pick at while I’m watching TV with my wife.  Maybe it’ll make it as a weekend pinup this week or next week.

Ahead, more work on JennyBomb tomorrow with a focus on the commission this weekend. I’d like to get the pencils done and approved so I can start on inking next week, but we’ll see.  It’s starting to warm up around here, which means yardwork will start competing for time too—yay.

Until next week!



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