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So I haven't been as productive the last 24+ hours as I had hoped--I've been a bit distracted these last few days-- but I did finish the first of my current batch of commissions, and thankfully the client, who is based over on dA, gave the go-ahead to post it immediately!  It's an alternate Lois Lane becoming Superwoman, and as you can see, her transformation involves a bit of an enhancement to her physique, as so often seems to be the case around here.  More sales for the professional women's wear industry, I guess.

I won't rule out a JennyBomb update before the end of the month, though there's definitely some work to do on that yet.  But in the meantime, I'm glad to be able to share this with you.  Another commission, from the previous batch, goes live next month!  And this week I move on to the second from this current batch, which I think will be very popular here!

Enjoy, and please, take care of each other!




There have been a few stories over the years where Lois gets powers, but no FMG that I am aware of outside of DA and such.


Well, Superman's isn't, but I guess this way she doesn't have to deal with that whole "why does dopey, meek Clark Kent have this great build?" issue.


On another note, it was interesting to me that they took that approach with Black Cat in the 90's Spider-Man cartoon even though there was no precedent for that (that I'm aware of) in the comics.