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Hello Crusaders!  I'm experimenting with format for smaller TFs and I wanted to try a 4 panel comic.  The relatively quick 2nd TF from the classic Episode "Enter She-Hulk" seemed to be a good fit.  I've got them here in both page and strip formats along with a black and white version.  As a bonus for the Crusaders, we're leading off with the panels individually at the original size they were drawn in before being assembled--about twice the size of the collected versions.

This is my first competed seuqnce featuring the 1982 Jen, believe it or not!  What do you think?  Which format works best?



Agent Zero

How could this be your FIRST 82 Jen sequence?


There is something about animated 1982 Jenny that really suits your style. Maybe it is the whole "girl next door is a superhero" thing.


It's true! I've started sketching a couple of others but I've never finished one until now.