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Update 23.02.11:  Thank you for all the support in 2022.  Commisisons for 2023 are now open here

WORKLIST (Updated 23.02.11):

CM2201 (STF3-C): @brad328 Complete! (See Below!)

CM2202 (LTF6-P): Anonymous Patron Complete! (See Below!)

CM2203 (LTF4-P): @Sephzero Complete! (See Below!)

CM2204 (STF3-C): Brad Wiemers--Complete! (See Below!)

CM2205 (LTF6-C): Cryptic UK--Complete!  (See Below!)

CM2206 (LTF6-C):  @lespy75--Complete! (See Below!)

CM2207 (STF3-C): Brad Wiemers--Complete! (See Below!)

CM2208 (LTF4-C): @tstidm5--Complete

CM2209 (MTF-C): CrypticUK--Complete

CM2210 (STF3-S): @AraghenXD--Complete

CM2211 (LTF6-S): Rick JB--Complete

CM2212 (LTF4-C): Anonymous Patron--Complete

NOTE: Patrons get a discount if I accept and complete a commission while you're an active Patron!  Battle Duck Brigadiers get 5% off, Canine Crusaders get 10% off, and Lunateer Legionnaires get 15% off!  (Note that this does not obligate me to accept a commission proposal from a Patron, but if I do, you do get a break on the price!)

The Details:

Would you like a commission?  Here's how to get one! 

      1)      Request a commission by messaging me on Patreon.  Let me know what kind of commission you’d like, and who it would feature.  Links to references are appreciated, especially if it’s an original character of yours.  I’d also be interested to hear what it’s for (your own personal enjoyment, display on your dA page, profile art for an OC or Fan Fic character, a gift, etc.).  (See additional notes on sequences below.)

2)      I may note you back with questions before deciding to accept or not.  I will also let you know by note when I accept, along with a quote for the final price.  If I accept, I’ll also assign you a project number.  You can track the progress of your commission on a worklist in my journal. If you wish to remain anonymous, let me know and I’ll list your project only by number. NOTE: Commissions costing more than $100 or more require a NONREFUNDABLE 10% deposit before I begin work.

3)      For any commission more involved than a quick sketch, I will send you a link to a preliminary sketch to give you the chance to request changes before I add inks and colors.  (I may also send other things for approval, like a rough character design sketch or flat colors if I need clarification.) NOTE: For commissions costing $80 or more, 50% of the remaining balance will be due upon sketch approval before I proceed.

4)      When the final piece is complete I will send you a low res (72dpi) jpeg thumbnail to show I have completed the work, along with payment instructions.  Payment will be collected through PayPal. After I have received final payment I will send you the final piece in full resolution (300dpi). PAYMENT IS DUE UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. If you are going to have difficulty making a payment on time, let me know ASAP. Problems with payment and communication may result in my refusing to take future projects from you.  I reserve the right to use unpaid commissions in a way that will allow me to recoup some of the unpaid funds, such as selling it as a print or pay per view sequence. I will send notification to the client before doing so.

5)      Most people request commissions because they want content for their own dA pages.  I reserve the right to post the work on my Patreon and dA page if I choose, but I will wait at least a month after delivery before doing so.  If you want to make other arrangements, or are okay with me posting it sooner, let me know.

The Rules and other notes:

 1)      Commissions are for personal use only, for your own enjoyment or sharing for free with others.  They are not for commercial use, such as selling merchandise like T-Shirts or prints.  Charging pay per view fees on my works is also not permitted.

 2)      My acceptance of a work is based mostly on my interest in the content, and my comfort level with it.  If I reject a commission, it may just be because I don’t feel I can do the requested subject enough justice to charge for drawing it, or I just don’t feel comfortable drawing it.  Here’s a few problematic subjects to avoid:

   a)      Full nudity.

   b)      Overtly violent or sexual acts.

   c)       Certain excessively exaggerated proportions on a character .

   d)      Anything I feel to be blatantly racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory. 

   e)     Inappropriate portrayals of minors.

Additionally, complicated mechanics and real-person likenesses take me into shaky territory.  I’ll gladly draw Agent Carter, the Falcon, or Sleepy Hollow’s Abigail Mills but they probably won’t look like Haley Atwell, Anthony Mackie, or Nicole Behaire, as much I as I wish they would.  (And while I'm getting better at that, I still make no guarantees.)  And my G1 Optimus Prime might look okay at best—Bayformer Prime? Probably not.  Same with “classic 60’s/70’s/80’s Iron Man” vs. “Movie/Modern Iron Man.”

Final Notes:

Regular commissions are done on the computer.  The final file will be a 300 dpi PNG.  Payment is through PayPal only at this time.  

In closing, I’ve listed a lot of what I won’t do, but not necessarily everything I would be willing to try.   I’ve listed these options and prices to keep things simple, but if there’s something you have in mind for me that isn’t listed here, don’t be afraid to ask—the worst that can happen is I will politely decline.

That's it!  Let me know if you are interested, and if you have any questions!

Previous Commissions (2022):

CM2208: Large TF 4 Step, Color

CM2207: Small TF 3 Step, Color

CM2206: Large TF 6 Step, Color

CM2205: Large TF, 6 Step, Color

CM2204: Small TF 3 Step, Color

CM2203: Large TF 4 Step, Color, Premium:

CM2202: Large 6 Stage TF,  Premium Color:

CM2201: Small TF 3 Step, Color:



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