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Hello, Legionnaires.  As a bonus for you, here's the alternate version of the new Gamma Tube Pinup with some of the mood lighting toned down so you can see the subject better, as well as the other versions for comparison, and the original sketch.

Some background:  As you may have read in the main post, this ties into a character design I posted last year named Dr. Rachel Greene.  I had envisioned her as a Shulkiesque character called "She-Rage" but soon decided she was too repetitive and derivative to develop further, especially with so many other characters waiting in the wings for their moment in the spotlight.  Before that though I had sketched out this image of her origin and thought it was worth sharing.  Some bad guys have trapped her in one of her own inventions but as you can see that looks to backfire on them spectacularly, as these things often do.

This is one of three mid TF pinups from my "Unfinished Business" to do list for 2022.  They're all (s)hulkouts.  This one I would call an early TF pic, and the others are a mid TF and a late TF image, and they'll all be hopefully making their way here soon. 

What do you think?  Which version do you like best?



Dr. Lecter

Honestly, I prefer the second picture. The dark side reinforces gamma rays that fall on Rachel Greene. It amplifies the green aura around her. Nice work! :) P.S.: Sorry for my late message. I'm late as a rabbit. ^^'


Thank you! In this case I do agree that the one with the extra lighting works better.