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So my car starting having serious trouble Wednesday night, which is not great news.  What is great news is that being stuck at the garage with it Thursday morning gave me a break from my crazy work schedule and allowed me to finish this.  Following the unfinished business theme of this year, I'm revisiting this project, which was intended to be a 12 stage werewolf transformation scene that never got past inks for stage 2.  I'm not thrilled at already getting a late start, but I am determined not to let such setbacks utterly derail me as they have in the past.   For the Brigade, we'll check in on her a couple of times a year, and then the whole sequence will be presented at Christmastime.  Also included here is the original stage one, the only one I ever finished.  I always liked the design and am excited to finally get it put to good use.  You might notice Luna is a little shorter in the new version--the final wolf form, which I've already sketched out--is a biggun'.



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