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Here it is, at last!  The Brigadiers have seen the teasers, and the  Crusaders and Legionnaires have seen the sequence itself, but now, for everyone, here's the entire complete sequence... the longest I have ever done... Julie takes Wing!  Be sure to let me know what your favorite page or panel is--I like to know what works!

When I started this I never for an instant imagined it would be at this scale.  Remember that sketched sequence I did a while back with the DCAU Supergirl transforming into a werewolf in mid-air?  That's what I imagined this to be when I started.  Longer, for sure, but not like this.  But as I drew those early panels of Julie conversing lightly with Sandy I realized I had something with potential and I let it play out.  That's why I went back and cleaned up those first couple of pages.  If I have one regret it's that I just didn't do it in color.  If I knew then what I know now about the tools available to me, I might have given it a shot.

At this point I must thank you, my loyal patrons.   I openly admit I have a track record for not finishing projects, but since I started this Patreon I have finished several of various sizes, including a 26 stage collage TF (Savage A2Z) and this epic--and knowing I have all of you, who care so much about my art that you're willing to pay money to see more--is the extra bump of motivation that I needed.  Not only that, but the money that comes in from this Patreon justifies the time I spend working on all of this--it's helping us make the mortgage, and that's huge!

Perhaps most importantly, the support that comes in from patrons like you gives me the opportunity to work on projects that interest and motivate me, instead of having to depend solely on commissions.  Commissions will be back later this month, but it's so great to be able to spend time on my own ideas as well.  So, again, so much gratitude to all of you!

Speaking of which, the theme for 2022 here is going to be "unfinished business." There's a lot of half finished projects in my archives, and this year we're going to knock some of them out.  Updates over the next two weeks will be slower as I work on finishing up one last commission from the old work list, generating some new commission menus, and spending some time with my wife now that we're past our busy holiday season.  But look for some teasers to drop on what I have in my sights for this year--you may see some familiar faces!

Thanks again.. and enjoy the sequence!



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