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And here it is in its entirety--two and a half years in the making.  A lot has happened in that time, and I've learned some things along the way that is--I think--making my art better and more efficient.  It's not perfect, and there are things I would do differently, but it's definitely epic and one of a kind.  I don't expect I'll ever tackle a sequence of this type at this length again.

Thank you all for your patience and support while I worked my way through this, and for bearing with the sometime months long gaps between steps.  I hope with this completed and assembled you'll find the final results worth it.

A huge shout-out to the Savage Girl's creator and the sponsor of this project, Boggs Chaucer.  Without his support, generosity, patience, and encouragement, this thing would never have happened.  I've imagined doing a sequence with Ericka in a dress uniform pretty much since I did the first Savage Girl commission for him back in 2017.  After we wrapped up the last comic, Savage Origin, he asked me what I'd like to do and I proposed this to him, and he was totally game.  Truly a joy to work with.  It's also very generous of him to let me post these projects featuring his character here and at dA.  Definitely give him some props in the comments!  And let us know which panel is your favorite?

Enjoy the sequence and enjoy your holiday! Thanks to all of you for your support of this project and this page, and especially to those of you who've taken time to comment!  You're a big reason this project was completed too!

On to the finale of Julie Takes Wing!





It's an absolutely fantastic sequence and you should be very proud of it! Merry Christmas!

Todd Carney

Beautiful! I love this caption version too! Your dialogue and narration are always superb!


Thank you, sir. That character you created is a huge source of inspiration.