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Another stage complete and scheduled for posting! Velma’s full werewolf form is revealed in pinup four at midnight on the final night of the lunar cycle.. As a treat for you Legionnaires, here’s a lower res version without lighting effects. The version posting later this month will have the effects added and also be at full size.

Read on for some details on my thought process behind approaching the rest of this:

This is ultimately to be an eight page sequence comprised of four pinups and four comic pages filling in the gaps:

Pinup 1 (Page One)—Complete, posted on October 1st.

Page Two—Flatted with color details added.

Page Three—Flatted.

Pinup 2 (Page Four)—Flatted with color details added.

Page 5–Inks in Progress

Pinup 3 (Page Six)—Backdrop filled in, ready for rendering.

Page Seven—Pencils in Progress

Pinup 4 (Page Eight) Completed and scheduled for posting.

Completion priority is as follows:

Pin-Up 3–the most dramatic image will turn this from a before and after set of pinups to a three stage TF.

Pin-Up 2–Completes the set of 4 pinups for a four stage TF

Page 2–Provides the set up for the TF.

Page 5–The bulk of the TF details are here and provides a bridge between pinups 2 and 3.

Page 7–Creates a smoother transition between pinups three and four.

Page 3–Fleshes out the earliest parts of the transformation (my favorite).

Thanks for joining me on the journey and wish me luck!



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