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Hello everyone.  Sorry it's been a pretty dull month.  Been putting in long hours at work that have left me more or less wiped out this last week or two.  I'm trying to get my mojo going again.

For today, here's another weekend pinup.  Some of you may have seen the social media profile meme that's been going around and I thought I'd put something together for the Canine Crusader. I used pre-existing images for the Facebook, Instagram, amd Tinder images, but since I didn't really have a professional drawing for Liz, who tends not to dress up as often.  This is an outfit idea I've had for her for awhile- a fairly simple outfit with muted purples.  The final version of the meme I posted only featured a headshot, but here's the full outfit as a Patreon exclusive.

I've got another installment of Julie Takes Wing done--it just needs text--and I'd like to get the last Kitty image up later this week too.  And of course, at the end of the month, ther'll be another Savage Girl installment to boot!  (I'm finishing up another installment of that today--the buffer lives!)

Thanks for hanging in there--and keep those comments coming--I really appreciate them!



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