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So, the story behind this one:  My brother has been reading collections of the original Marvel Mystery Comics, which launched the original Human Torch, Namor the Sub-Mariner, and by extension the whole Marvel Universe.  For Christmas I got him the second paperback collection, which featured a recolored reproduction of the 7th issue of the series (see attached).  We were both curious about the woman on the cover, whose distinctive retro sci-fi outfit we did not recognized, but seemed to hint at her having a more interesting backstory than the usual damsels.  Alas this image was completely unrelated to any story in the issue or series.  But I still liked the outfit, so... meet Vella Ma'ar, the Mystery Girl from Mars!



Agent Zero

Also, how did they expect to get that needle thru her space helmet?


Her attire certainly has that golden age goodness that you don't see anymore.


Well, two things about that. First, I thought they were going through her arm. Second, after close examination I think that glass bubble over her head is part of their apparatus and not her spacesuit. I think you can see a pillow behind her head and the hoses seem to run to some unseen equipment. That said, I'm really not sure what the game plan is here, as the one guy seems to be letting water into the chamber but she's encased in a bubble so she won't drown yet the other guy is still trying to inject her with something. Are they trying to thwart the Torch with water while allowing her to still breathe long enough to suffer a painful death through whatever substance is in the needle? >shrug<