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Just a quick sketch I did of the girl from the last post, meant for my $10+ subscribers. She’s of course modeled on Disney’s Cinderella—primarily the revised character model they’ve been using over the last couple of years in their merchandising, with some details from the original as well. I’ve been wanting to do some kind of Cinderella beauty to beast sequence for some time now, because she is the archetypical princess and there’s no greater contrast to the monstrosity of a werewolf than that. And every scenario I’ve some up with involves her fleeing a party, of course... if not due to midnight, then moonlight!

This is of course the character before any signs of change— note the round ears, perfect hair, and earrings. The idea is that the household servants who know the family secret, concerned that even at 21 the last member of the family hasn’t had her first shift yet, slip her a wolfbane elixir to try to jumpstart her destiny before she gets ensnared by one of the suitors seeking to get their hands on the family fortune.

Hope you enjoyed his little bit of extra insight into the “Moonlight Ball” concept.
