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Just a heads up: later tonight I’ll be switching this page to collect the first pledge up front. From what I understand this should not affect any existing members, but new members will have their first pledge collected immediately. Since starting this page I’ve had several people pledge and then before the money is collected at the end of the month, drop, basically getting access to everything on the page to date for free. That’s not fair to you guys, and with a couple of my fellow creators getting hit with art theft lately, I’m a little leery of folks who drop in and then pull out. Plus, as I expect to release my first PPV sequence soon, access to which is included with membership, this is a loophole that needs to be shut anyway.

Thanks for your understanding, and please feel free to message me with concerns.



She Hulk Fan

Also do not be afraid to remove those who decline payment. It is your right to do so.