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It’s just after midnight as I type this, so not Wednesday anymore here. Sorry for the silence recently—it’s been a heck of a week.

It started Friday when my wife and I were driving to our vet to pick up medication for our senior cat. It was raining, and at one point we saw a car ahead of us on the side of the road with its flashers on. The.n my wife spotted the reason—a tiny kitten, running down the center of the road. The occupants of the car ahead had jumped out to try and grab it. Two more cars passed over it before one of them snagged it. We pulled over too and, since we were already headed to the vet, we wound up,taking the kitten. Long story short, the kitten is now staying in our bathroom until we can verify she’s not carrying anything that would endanger our other two cats. Unfortunately she’s too young to be tested so we have to wait two more weeks. On top of the attention that’s required, on Sunday evening I got hit with the flu. So it’s been pretty much sleeping and caring for the cat the last few days. And yeah, she’s a work in progress all right.

I’m feeling better now, so hopefully work and updates can resume. I’ve got a color YF piece all but finished, plus these other items in the works:

The next frame of JennyAngry.

A start to finish TF commission has been inked and is ready for colors.

Background for the large commission is complete.

I’ve started inking next month’s pinup.

The next couple of weeks may be a little rough. The morning hours before work I’ve been using to pick at JennyAngry will be taken up in part by caring for the new kitten who is on three medications currently. So there may not be much movement before the weekend. Hopefully in a couple of weeks she’ll be mended and ready to join the other cats. We’ll see.

The first and second to last images are of the kitten the day we picked her up. The ;ast image was taken today. As you can see she looks a lot better.

Thank you for your continued support.

