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Whoa! WIP Wednesday on a Wednesday? Madness!

So, very quickly:

A) Hit a big milestone on two commission, as both have had their pencils approved by the client. This one is from a long time sponsor featuring a long lost character. It’s a big one so I’m looking at maybe the end of the month for completion.

B) The other commission features the client’s OC and is a bit smaller, so I’d like to have that done by this weekend.

C) JennyAngry seems to be well received so far. Here’s a peek at the clean lines for the next frame.

D & E) Doing a bit of an update on two familiar and beloved characters. Hopefully they’ll be ready to share soon.

So for the rest of the week, I’d like to get the inks done on the first commission, compete the 2nd smaller one, and maybe get a start on the third! I also need to get back to the Ladies from the 80s series!

Oh, and please vote if you haven’t already in the Dana Meadows poll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/flash-poll-which-104048889

Thank you!



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