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Here’s what’s on the digital drawing table this week:

A: The current commission—an alter ego/magical TF type sequence. I’ll be updating the work list shortly, and I still have spots open—use the direct message feature under the community tab!

B: Working on a new creature design.

C: The next Lady From the 80s just needs some shading and a backdrop. Hope to post this sometime Friday.

D: Another little something I’m doing as a warmup between other projects.

I’m going to take another opportunity to plug the new chat feature under the community tab, which is now available on the website as well as the app. It is my intent to try to post s snippet of something I’m working on every day going forward, or at least on the days where I don’t have a more formal post like this one.

Been a bit rough this week as we’ve had heavy rains which means water in our basement. And this weekend I have my annual reckoning with the IRS and its state and local counterparts. But I’ll keep plugging away! Thanks for your patience and interest!




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