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"I knew I was asking for trouble going to that party, but moonrise was later in the evening and I thought I'd be able to slip out before then.  It had been a long time since I'd gotten dressed up and had a good time, and I thought I might be able to make an impression with my office crush.  Of course, all I could manage was watching him from a distance while I stayed close to my small circle of friends.  Finally I worked up the courage to go talk to him, but as I walked across the hall I caught a glimpse through the windows of the full moon emerging from behind the clouds.  I momentarily tried to ignore it, but the heat surged inside me almost immediately, and my composure quickly started to unravel.  So I turned on my heel and went straight out the french doors and across the courtyard outside, hoping no one would notice the sweat on my brow or the way I was trembling.  Fortunately the venue was at the edge of a wooded area-- even so, it was an effort to keep moving on two legs to get there.  My breathing was becoming ragged, and I could feel a prickling sensation running across my flesh as the fur started to emerge from my skin.  I barely made it to the treeline when i started to stumble in my increasingly awkward high heels.  I sank to the ground and leaned back against a tree, gasping, trying to keep some control, but it was no use.  I could feel my dress getting tight and my hair coming loose.  The sounds and smells of both the party behind me and the forest ahead washed over me, and soon I heard soft tearing as my nails lengthened, harded, and sharpened, slicing through the fingertips of my gloves.  Further up my arm, thickening muscles started their destruction at the other end.  My toes were pushing their way out of my shoes, the growing claws helping to widen the openings at the front.  I grunted and wriggled as the dress tightened around me, the belt digging into my sides.  Each gasp and grunt grew deeper and hoarser, and I could feel my human frustration and discomfort welling over into a more primal rage.  I had to center myself while I still had time and I turned my focus onto the noises of wildlife in the woods--I wanted be sure that when I finally ceded control to the emerging beast that it would head away from the revelry behind me.  The sounds and scents of the wild beckoned me, and as I felt my hair spill down free across my shoulders and a growing cacophony of buttons popping and fabric tearing filled my ears It was with a profound sense of relief that I let go of my human concerns and let the wolf inside run free once again."

Been kinda hulkout heavy so far this year and that is probably going to continue for a little while longer so I thought I'd use the bonus sketch to give the were-fans a little love.  Hope you like it!



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