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Dear Heroes,

First, a happy, healthy, holesome [sic] new year to all of you! Welcome to the month of Janus. Let us together bow and scrape before the Blue Dragon whose year we have entered.

I think we had a pretty jolly year together, let's make this one even better ... and what better way to start than by revealing the finished enough version of the UVG Guide Book. That whole fork in the road, from SEACAT, to Uranium Butterflies, back to UVG 2E and here we are: the character creation, rules, equipment and powers. Essentially, the player handbook for the UVG. This time with rules example, a bit of art, and a nice simple layout.

If you found the Eternal Return Key too barebones (or just too weird) here is the slightly expanded and less ambiguous version.

SDM - UVG Guide Book

(v2.091 piuttosto blu prezioso)

My intent is for this book to be a living book, like the Lexicon of the Vastlands. Thus, the elegant versioning (haha). It's also going to be free - so, in the fullness of time, a lower resolution version will hit both itch.io and DTRPG and other websites.

However, it's here and just for you first, because I do also intend to add a credits section, like in the OG UVG, listing every one of you wonderful heroes who had the patience to stick with me as this ruleset happened while you'd signed up for weird and wonderful worlds.

Truly, your saint. Saint heroes.

But, if you want to opt out of the credits, here's a form to request that: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7nIca4U_vu7LgNOvPvSAiUaVKL5GyjvPDmhVVPzeIDs1fnQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

Or, just comment on this post!

What's New Since The Previous Version?

  • The rules & mechanics section is finished
  • The equipment section is finished (with some bonus new equipment not seen in the UVG or elsewhere)
  • The spells section is revised to fit the powers rules in Magitecnica
  • Inspiration and options appendices are added
  • Some more art has made it into the book ... couldn't help it, I guess I don't do art free even for free books.
  • It has a third party license modeled on the Mörk Borg license, so you (or anyone really) can make third-party UVG / SDM-compatible game stuff.

What Does This Mean in the Bigger Picture?

Well, now that the Guide Book is finished ... I can put it up everywhere, and then I can also release the Uranium Butterflies! Finally! Though ... annoyingly ... I don't know how easy it'll be to turn _that_ into an interactive PDF since it's in Affinity Publisher and ... well, harder.

There is also a chance we could bring it into print together with Our Golden Age.

Right, Our Golden Age! What's Happening There?

That'll be a little later this month. Almost certainly we're going to the Orange Land, where the Cads in splendor dwell.

This Is Good News?

Yes, I think so.

But I do want your suggestions: what would you most like to see next in OGA? Where shall we visit? What shall we illustrate?

Oh, and here's the Discord link if you're not on the stratometaship yet: https://discord.gg/6ZDbkYR4


Till We Speak Again,
[which should be soon, yea, even this year!]




Howdy Luka! I would like to join the discord but it seems that link is expired / invalid. Have you a fresh one?


I suppose if you intend to keep developing this you have no plan for a dead tree version? Asking for a friend.


Yes - absolutely. Plan to release the pdf as a free digital sometime in Spring, aiming to do deadtree as part of the OGA KS later.