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Dear heroes,

Welcome to November's end! This year I didn't manage to perform any kind of grey Thursday or black Friday sale. Somehow, between the child and the writing and the dog and the drawing, that just escaped me entirely.

An ongoing project of mine, growing in the background these last three months, is the revised Guide Book. At once, a player guide for the UVG (with a focus on character creation and rules), and a synthesis of the rules in the UVG and Eternal Return Key.

It's not yet quite ready for a full release, but it is at the stage of a viable alpha book (barring some sppeling erorrs you will certianly fined).

Once I have the equipment and third-party license section ready, I'll release it fully (and on other platforms), and then update it as I add the caravan, travel, campaign, session, and encounter mechanics. Eventually, I hope to put the full text up on the SDM website, too.

Next Update

I haven't quite decided which part of Our Golden Age, describing the Rainbowlands civilization, to prepare next. Recently I've been illustrating up the Red Lands, and they're starting to look quite pretty. 

Here I finished a couple of the remaining factions - that leaves discoveries and locations for the Rust Back Country (the wilds!) and the Red Land District (the industrial city!).

I've also added a ton of art to the Red End (the wine vampire city) section. I think it looks quite pretty now.

I may ask your forebearance and subject you to an update and expanded Red Land chapter, before proceeding to illustrate the Orange Land (which is, frankly, creepier than either the Red or Blue Lands).

Either or, here nor there, I can promise you that the next patreon-only update is going to be packed with art. I've got a whole gallery of new stuff ready to share.

But that's for December and the feast day of Saint Nicholas. Till then, let me give thanks to you for spending your autumn here, in these strange lands at the edge of time with yours truly.

Stay warm, stay fuzzy!

—Yours sincerely,



This one is excellent. It's exactly what UVG was missing. I had to get creative to figure out how to create chars and get things going, especially without giving everyone the full book. This one really gets everyone up to speed in a very digestible manner.


Finally had time to go through it. I have been waiting for this! Looking forward to the final release.