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Dear heroes,

Welcome to mid August! Over here we swung from monsoon to heatwave to typhoon. I watched the news fill up with the jamboree and then empty out of the mudflat event once again. At home we had a bit of a health scare, but everything turned out alright for now, and the baby's birthday now looms. Could be any day.

However, it is not today (or yesterday) so I've taken the opportunity to wrap, illustrate, and share another teaser (though I should just call it chapter) from Our Golden Age.

Essentially, a town socio-cultural generator. [attached]

Very briefly - in the last post, I presented the mechanics for taking trips in a civilized, urbanized society. But what is the town (or village) you visit like?

When I run a locale, the crucial thing for me is the general mood of the place and one or two weird elements of local culture. From there, I can improvise a town as I play, adding details and structure. But the seed is the mood, the color ... the culture.

Not whether it has 1,500 or 3,000 inhabitants and what the names of all the shopkeeper's on its main street (named Sunlord's Viaduct) and the prices in Queen's Eagles (peace be unto her immortal brain).

So I've decided to take this kind of approach with the Rainbowlands in OGA. Hopefully this ensures that everyone's Circle Sea ends up dotted with unique and weird towns.

There's a total of 300 stereotypes for different local cultures.

PSA: some of the traits and stereotypes are weird. As always, use discretion with what you give your players - not everyone will appreciate everything and you needn't obey the dice just because they roll a thing.

Other News

  • I've also been working on the Silver Ship. It's getting closer to ready ... but in the wise words of someone close to me (my wife): don't share a half-finished WIP! Just finish it already!
  • Art: I moved my scanner to a more easily accessible place and some better software. Now that there's less friction, I'm able to get myself to use the scanner more, so ... more art! For the next art zine, like There, A Red Door.
  • A magic zine ... I've decided that not all the SEACAT 0.93b magic will fit neatly in OGA. But, like I mentioned before - zines for individual attributes should be a thing. So they will be. And I made a beta title for it ... but I need to finish Silver Ship Wizard before I can tackle this. No more 17 projects at once!

Coming Soon

Well, the baby's coming, so ... I can't promise timelines at present. However, I can ask you if there's anything of the Rainbowlands or Seacat or Silver Ship that you'd like to see and I'll be happy to toss aside the veil and share how it's made.

Again, thank you for your kind support, heroes. You make the fantasy realms possible.




And One From The Vault

I found this 12-year-old map of mine!
