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Hello, good heroes!

I've decided to try and post a little more often, even when I don't have a fully finished thing to share.

I'm back from the little holiday I took with my wonderful wife. It was a little tiring, with the pregnancy moving along, but a good break to have. I also have some "life advice": don't be me, check if you need a visa to travel abroad every time you travel. Our destination's visa regime changed during covid (from visa on arrival to e-visa only for some EU countries and not others). Turns out, visa requirements aren't flagged when one buys a plane ticket. So, it was ... mmm ... interesting arranging an e-visa that usually requires 3–5 business days at the airport on the day of the flight. But all's well that ends well. Good food, good rest.

Now, back to the synthetic dream machine

  • UVG 2E is nearly available to order. The books are on their way to the warehouses and it's a question of one, two, or three weeks now. That also means the PDF here :) 
  • I was hoping to have ERK ready and printed to go out with UVG 2E, but alas. Still. Nearly finished with the art on that, so at least the digital will be ready for release at the same time. (see update!). I think the art (and story of Poncho and Pointyhelmet) will be ready by next week.
  • After that, I'll finish writing up Silver Ship Wizard ... so, that'll be fun.
  • I've also got some art ready to turn into an art zine. In between.

And then the Next Big Step

So, a few weeks, and then ... what?

  • Well, I'm going to start preparing the Synthetic Dream Machine version of Uranium Butterflies for print. We're going to kickstart the beast - on that we're going to nail down the kind of license we'll use for the rules and everything else. I think we'll release a version Uranium Butterflies with the SEACAT rules for the fans of the crunch and give it a very open license on that ruleset, so folks can play and hack with it. Now that I've had some time with InDesign, and resigned myself to using Adobe, I'm less averse to revisiting and re-laying-out the book ... honestly, I have to admit, Adobe has become a little faster in the last few years. Mild praise, I know.
  • A website to serve as a system reference website for SDM and all the optional rules modules. Gotta fight some procrastination impulse on that ...

How does that sound?

So, here's my question to you ... does that sound good? Am I trying to overload my pile? Should I post more of my art here, like regular drops? What would you like to see more of, what less of? If I made "location drops" for different places in the UVG, would you enjoy them most as blog posts? PDFs? A4 Spreads?

Let's use this "not a fully finished product post" for a conversation :)

Cheers and salutations,


PS - Oh, and in case you need it, here's a 7-day discord link, too: https://discord.gg/xe2mWYHr



Mike Snyder

I'm really excited for UVG 2e. As a part of the new edition did you add new locations?


Not yet - but they're coming here on the stratometaship. I expanded the map to make room for them :D One of them is in the Silver Ship Wizard file, actually ... so, one's done!


My two cents? I don't have a group or community to share UVG/SEACAT/SDM, etc. with, so as I squirrel away my gleanings and original riffs and ripoffs for the day I do, my main concern is for your own mental, emotional, and physical health, Luka. I'm new around here, and don't know much about you personally, but you are so prolific that sometimes I worry about burnout or plain old exhaustion. I will be thankful for whatever you manage to publish or release.


Thank you :) that is very kind of you. Currently I am blessed by this community, that I am able to work on fictions, art, and games that I love very much. While it is tiring, I do usually go to sleep at the end of a day satisfied with my work. It's a learning process - how to divide work from rest - but I am getting better at it bit by bit. As for community - do consider dropping by the discord. Here's a link, should work for a few days: https://discord.gg/dGDcMEKy